How to: Daemon Tools

Hey guys:

Today, I have made a video to how you can use Daemon Tools:

Any doubts or anything, just comment

What is:
Images = Is a file created through a CD/DVD burning process to a file for your computer. These kind of files have .BIN .IMG or .ISO formats;
Images = Can be compared to CD/DVD rom disks;
Driver = It's a hardware that is used to read CD/DVD disks;
Driver = Can be seen on "My Computer";

To add images faster without creating a virtual driver and adding an image to Daemon Tools:
(In this example, the file I select it's already opening with Daemon Tools program, as you can also see Daemon Tools Icon on this file)
-Right click on an image file

-Change file's program opening file, by clicking on the button next to, Open with
-Select Daemon Tools from the programs 
-And select the option, where it says you want the program selected, to be always used

-If Daemon tools isn't shown, in this window, click on Search button, and select the .exe file from your computer

Now, you can see the image file's icon like this:

Now just simple left double click on the file and just adds a virtual driver with the image in it.

Note_ If you want this to happen in all of image formats, you need to do this for each format

(Sorry, but since my computer has a portuguese windows)


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