Hello lads, now we get into the frozen lands, Himalayas.

Watch out for the pogo-hop on the snow floor, and you get stuck.
On the journey we find Bubba on the way. He is fun and all, but he get to smash Webby's toys, and that is not funny at all.

Stage Boss this time is Snow Monster:
1- When she jumps, pass under her and go to the oposite side, from she is heading;
2- Before she jumps with a strong impulse, jump to not receive damage;
3- She also will punch the wall, and ice cubes will fall. After the ice cubes, one last will land, but it's a rock that you need to use the first attack, to hit on the stalactites to fall on the boss, and now you can hit.
Well done!!
One more treasure on the house!! The Lost Crown of Genghis Khan.
Himalayas get an higher dificulty than The Amazon, including 2 bosses on the same stage.
It's really fun, all the dodging and pogo-hop thing. This game got a very nice remastered in all ways.
For those who aren't really playing, you guys should, if you need a little adventure that is!!