Once again, i found a great walktrhought about Hunt, this guy explains really 101% things! enjoy =D
| IIIa: Rank I |
-Rogue Tomato-
:Tomaj, Rabanastre/The Sandsea
:Dalmasca Estersand
:Level 5+
:300 Gil, 2 Potions, 1 Teleport Stone
This is the first hunt of the game and isn't too hard. As soon as
you enter the Estersand from Rabanastre, head forward. He should be on
a cliff. Attack him, and he'll jump off the cliff. Just follow and kill him.
Return to Tomaj for your reward.
:Ghastly, Rabanastre/The Sandsea
:Dalmasca Westersand/Galtea Downs
:Level 5+
:500 Gil, 1 Headguard, 1 Teleport Stone
Thextera is a large wolf creature, rainbow colored. Look around a cliff
in the proper Westersand area for him. Just focus your attacks and he
should go down quickly.
Note: after you kill him, speak to Ghastly a few times. This will
unlock the Hunter's Grimoire, a special Bazaar item. Purchase it for
18000 Gil. Once had, all monsters of a certain type will forever
drop more rare items.
-Flowering Cactoid-
:Dantro, Dalmasca Estersand/Outpost
:Dalmasca Estersand/Yardang Labyrinth
:Level 10+
:500 Gil, 10 Potions, 1 Flower
The Cactoid is around the Yardang Labyrinth. He likes to run away from you,
so be prepared to give chase. Also, kill the wolves around here, as they'll
just annoy you. Cast Slow on the Cactoid if you have it, and focus attacks.
Once dead, return to Dantro. When you have the Flower, you can engage
in a special sidequest for the Barheim Key. If you want a head start,
give the flower to Dantro's wife, who is far North in the Estersand in the
South Bank Village.
:Milha, Rabanastre, Lowtown/North Sprawl
:Rabanastre Lowtown/Garamsythe Waterway (near entrance from Lowtown)
:Level 12+
:500 Gil, 1 Ether, 1 Gauntlets
The Wraith is found in the middle of the Waterway, where you began
the game. If you're not properly leveled, he can destroy your party
quickly. He uses Doom, so be prepared to revive if the battle lasts
that long. Just keep attacking to defeat him.
:Aekom, Bhujerba/Lhusu Square
:Lhusu Mines/Transitway 1
:Level 20+
:600 Gil, 1 Rose Corsage, 1 Balaclava, 1 Great Serpentskin
This Hunt also ties in to the Barheim Key quest (see Flowering Cactiod
hunt). Anyway, you'll find the Nidhogg in Transitway 1, right infront of
the fork. He can be deadly, so have Protect on your party and keep
Raise and potions ready to go. He's weak to Fire, so cast Fire spells
or Fira if you have it yet. Blinding works well also.
Once you kill him
and get the Great Serpentskin from Aekom, bring this to Dantro's Wife in
Dalmasca Estersand/South Bank Village if youre doing the Barheim Key quest.
With this item in hand, the extra rewards you get at the end of the quest
are accessible.
..Clan Hunt..
:Dania, Giza Plains/Nomad Village (Dry season only)
:Giza Plains/North Bank
:Level 15+
:1000 Gil, 1 Jackboots, 1 Rainbow Egg
When you accept this and enter the North Bank, kill
all other monsters. Exit and reenter the area. Then you should see a
Chickatrice and the Cluckatrice come out. There will be a bunch of
Chickatrice, all who are weak to Thunder. Cast Thundara over and over.
With the Chickatrice dead, its much easier to kill the Cluckatrice who
should go down quickly.
The Rainbow Egg loot can be sold at any merchant to give the Hi-Potion Pack
Bazaar good. It gives 10 Hi-Potions for 1111 Gil.
..Clan Hunt..
:Pilika, Bhujerba/Khus Skygrounds
:Lhusu Mines/Site 2
:Level 22+
:1200 Gil, 2 Hi-Potions, 1 Heavy Coat
Pilika is a moogle friend of Montblanc, found in the area where all the
people hang out in Bhujerba. This is a pet gone wrong, found deep in
the Lhusu Mines. Once you find Rocktoise, make sure everyone is
Protected and he is Blinded. He will be hitting for a lot of damage,
and he has a lot of HP. Bring out your best attackers, and have someone
constantly reviving those who die.
| IIIb: Rank II |
-Wyvern Lord-
:Sherral, Rabanastre/Weapon Shop
:Nam-Yensa Sandsea/Simoon Bluff
:Level 25+
:1000 Gil, 1 Longbow, 1 Shell Shield
The Wyvern Lord is a very powerful opponent. Plus, he's Flying,
so your Swords, Daggers, and melee weapons wont do anything. Blind
him immediately, and have out Bows, Guns, and Magick users.
He goes down eventually - you can even use Mist chains if you want.
Remember to steal a Wyvern Wing from him. 2 of these, 2 Yensa Fins,
and a Salamand Halycon loot can be sold to a merchant to unlock
the Arcturus gun Bazaar item.
:Sadeen, Giza Plains/Nomad Village (The strange guy outside the Cockatrice
corral during the Rains)
:Giza Plains/Starfall Field (Rains only)
:Level 25+
:1200 Gil, 1 Snake Rod, 1 Teleport Stone
This enemy is pretty easy and will appear only during the Rain season.
Defeat him as we haev been doing.
With the Ring you receive, wait until the Dry seasons and return to
Giza Plains/Nomad Village. Give it to the lady sitting down infront of the
big tent, who accepts it, but gives no reward. Then return here during
the Rains and talk to Sadeen again. He disappears. Very sad. I still
dont know what this does for us.
:High-Chief Zayalu, Jahara/The Elderknoll
:Henne Mines/Phase 1 Shaft
:Level 25+
:1300 Gil, 1 Ether, 1 Soul Powder
This monster is the soul of dead garif people. He will appear once you
enter the Phase 1 Shaft. He will teleport around, so its hard to run away.
Cast your most powerful Magick on him, with 1 or 2 characters attacking.
The Soul Powder can be sold along with 2 Wargods Bands and 1 High Arcana
to create the Empyreal Soul Bazaar good for 29997 Gil. This item can be
used along with other rare items to create some of the most powerful
weapons in the game.
:Low-Chief Suugumu, Jahara/The Elderknoll
:Ozmone Plains/The Shred
:Level 25+
:1100 Gil, 1 Ether, 1 Golden Amulet
To find Enkelados, first kill all the Wu creatures in The Shred
(these are those big bird things). Exit and re-enter the area,
and he should be there. He deals a lot of damage, but having
Protect helps. I believe he's weak to Air, so cast Aero over
and over.
He gives you a Leaf item, which Low-Chief Sugumu asks you to
give to a person in the Giza Plains/Nomad Village. Do this
when you get around to it, the Giza person is only there during
the Dry.
| IIIc: Rank III |
-Vorpal Bunny-
:Nera, Eruyt Village/The Spiritwood
:Golmore Jungle/The Rustling Chapel
:Level 30+
:2000 Gil, 1 Lightning Arrows, 1 Gillie Boots
This hunt is found in the middle square-ish area of The Rustling Chapel.
You'll know because about 5 Dark Skeletons should appear from the ground.
Kill these, and the Vorpal Bunny should come out, along with more skeletons.
The best thing to do is kill 4 of the skeletons and leave 1 alive, so no more
respawn. The Bunny pretty much only runs around, so just follow and attack him.
The skeletons will cast Blind, which is annoying, but you should get through this
-Feral Retriever-
:Hymms, Mt Bur-Omisace/Sand-Strewn Pass
:Paramina Rift/Spine of the Icewyrm
:Level 30+
:1500 Gil, 1 Recurve Crossbow, 2 Teleport Stones
Feral Retriever is a large Courtel monster. He's not very hard though. He
will probbaly have Shell and Faith on, so Dispel those. Stealing from him
may end up with only a Pebble. He also likes to use Blaster which does good damage.
Just attack constantly, and use Air spells like Aeroga (which can
deal 1700+ damage) to win quickly. Gives 14 LP.
-Ring Wyrm-
:Balzac, Rabanastre Lowtown/North Sprawl
:Dalmasca Westersand/Windtrace Dunes (Only during sandstorms)
:Level 30+
:200 Gil, 1 Icebrand, 1 Moon Ring
The Ring Wyrm will only be found if theres a sandstorm going on
in the area. If not, exit and wait for a few minutes, then go back
to see if its going. Ring Wyrm will constantly Immobilize your party,
so Esuna if this happens. He will also use a fireball attack to deal damage.
This battle is easy if you have Deathbringer swords by now. If not, Dispel his
Protect status, Haste/Protect your party, and attack. Also, he is weak to
Fire, so spam Fira spells.
The Moon Ring loot, if you get 2 more, can be sold along with 3 Beastlord
Horns and 4 Sagitarrius Gems to create the Sagittarius Bazaar good, the
most powerful Bow in the game. It costs 60000 Gil.
:Burrogh, Nalbina Fortress/Jajim Bazaar
:Mosphoran Highwaste/Northern Skirts
:Level 30+
:1800 Gil, 1 Gaia Rod, 1 Diamond Shield
Once you get to this area, defeat the bird monsters first. Then, run over to
Atomos. He will probably have Protect, Shell, and/or Regen, so Dispel those.
His Power Stun ability deals some damage to the party, and his regular
attacks do abotu double that. This battle is easy, though, and you can
even chain some Quickenings if you want. He gives 16 LP.
..Clan Hunt..
-Gil Snapper-
:Nanau, Giza Plains/Crystal Glade (Rains only)
:Giza Plains/Tracks of the Beast (secret area-Rains only)
:Level 35+
:3000 Gil, 1 Phobos Glaze (Receive from Nanau during the Dry
in the Nomad Village)
To start this quest, talk to Nanu. She hints that you need to find
a special way to get to the secret Tracks of the Beast area, located
East of Giza Plains/Gizas South Bank. To find this, enter each area of
Giza Plains and cut down the Withered Trees along the river bank.
They are located as follows:
1) Gizas North Bank - Northeastern area
2) Throne Road - Southern area
3) Toam Hills - Eastern-most area
4) Starfall Field - Infront of the Northern entrance to this area
5) Crystal Glade - Northern area
6) Nomad Village - Southeastern area
Note that there are NO trees in Gizas South Bank OR Warrior's Wash.
Also, running around the Plains doing this is EXTREMELY annoying, so
be sure to save when you chop them all down, incase Gil Snapper kills you.
Now move on to Giza Plains/Gizas South Bank, and to the tree bridge in the
Southeastern section. Cross it and you should meet the Seeq from the Clan.
Now, enter and re-enter this area until heavy rain starts, or until the
Seeq tells you he sees the mark. Then continue foward to start the fight.
Dispel the Snapper's status. He casts Magick often, including Blizzara and
BLizzaga, so cast Protect/Shell on your party. Be aware he can be Blinded
and Immobilized, which certainly help. And DONT cast Ice Magick on him -
it heals him. Use Mist Chains if youre underleveled, they can hurt him
a bit. Keep reviving and attacking (hopefully you have the Deathbringer
sword for this) until you win. Gives 20 LP.
Also, dont forget to get the Urn in the Southeastern area of this section,
containing the Feather of the Flock key item.
| IIId: Rank IV |
:Warrior Guromu, Jahara/Lull of the Land
:Henne Mines/Phase 1 Dig (must have full MP upon entering area)
:Level 38+
:2200 Gil, 1 Carmagnole
The mindflayer is a pretty easy boss. He is found within the mines, in
the cavernous portion of the area. He doesn't have much HP, and Magick
isn't useful here. Shell your party and attack until he dies. He'll cast
-ara spells at you and various status effects as well. He may cast
Hero's March, which will buff him significantly, so Dispel him in that case.
:Homesick Man, Archades/Vint's Armaments
:Sochen Cave Palace/Temptation Eluded
:Level 38+
:3000 Gil, Lead Bolts, 1 Adamantite
This hunt is extremely easy if you are above level 40 with Deathbringers on.
He is a turtle, so he has lots of HP and is weak to air. Go in, Dispel
anything he has on, and Protect your party. Then spam Aeroga with a caster
while attacking him with your 2 other characters. This battle ends very
:Va'Kansa, Mosphoran Highwaste/Babbling Vale
:Salikawood/Corridor of Ages
:Level 38+
:1700 Gil, 1 Obelisk, 1 Hi-Ether
This guy has a few trickey spells, such as Invert (switch HP and MP),
Immobilizga, and Thundara, so be prepared for that. Go in Protected
as usual. He's weak to Ice so spam Blizzaga with one character, attack
with others. Ice-enchanted weapons are good, and you can Silence him
to prevent his attacks for a time.
| IIIe: Rank V |
:Tavernmaster, Rabanastre/The Sandsea
:Zertinan Cavern/Invitation to Heresy (enter from the Westersands)
:Level 38+
:2200 Gil, 1 Serpent Eye, 3 Teleport Stones, 1 key loot
Make sure you enter from Dalmasca Westersand to the Cavern to find
this hunt. Then, go to the Southern portion of Invitation to
Heresy, where the sunlight pours into the Cavern. Stand around here
for a while, about 1 or 2 minutes, and he will appear out of nowhere.
He attacks fast, so attempt to Blind him, and Protect your party.
This is, again, no problem with Deathbringers, but if not then use
any Water-enchanted weapons you have (He's weak to water).
-White Mousse-
:Sorbet, Rabanastre/West Gate
:(Rabanastre Lowtown) Garamsythe Waterway/West Sluice Control
:Level 38+
:2800 Gil, 1 Yoiche Bow, 1 Sluice Gate Key
This hunt will appear as you enter the area. Shell your party if you want,
he will cast Watera, and be prepared with Poisona as he casts Toxify.
Then just spam Fire spells at him, like Firaga, or have a Flametounge on.
Remember to get to this area you can't really rely on your minimap. You
have to look around for the staircases leading to the Southern areas of
the Waterway.
When you beat him, get your key from the Moogle. This is used in
future side quests.
:Contrite Thief, Rabanastre Lowtown/North Sprawl
:(Rabanastre Lowtown) Garamsythe Waterway/Southern Sluiceway
:Level 38+
:3800 Gil, 1 Horakhty's Flame, 1 Unpurified Ether
To find him, you must enter the area with a party of Ashe, Fran,
and Penelo. YOu can switch them when he appears. This battle is similar
to White Mousse. Orthros is also weak to Fire, the only difference is
he will cast more varied spells. Can inflict Sap, Blind, Petrify, Slow, etc.
Not a hard battle, though. Use the Horakhty's Flame loot to unlock the
Canoptic Jar Bazaar Grimoire.
:Gurdy, Mt Bur-Omisace/Sand-Strewn Pass
:Paramina Rift/Frozen Brook
:Level 38+
:4800 Gil, Deimos Clay
This battle is a tad trickier than the other Rank V's. To find him,
just enter/exit/reenter the area until the Seeq clan member says he sees
the Trickster. Trickster's immunities will shift with the battle. Also
at times he will be immune to Magick or attacks. If one of these paldings
does occur, just wait until he's vulnerable again. You'll have to toy around
with elements to see when hes weak - if you pick wrongly, that element
will heal him. Use Fire/Thunder/Blizzard so not much harm is done. Also,
remember to try Dark spells (Darkra) and Bio, Wind spells, etc. His
Chocometeor spell can deal a good amount of damage, so just heal up your
mage while you figure out what the weakness is. Then kill him fast. Deimos
Clay loot will help unlock the Canoptic Jar Bazaar Grimoire.
:Niray, Bhujerba/Staras Residence (in Cloudborne Row)
:Lhusu Mines/Site 9
:Level 38+
:4300 Gil, 1 Bubble Belt, 1 Sickle-Blade
You'll get a Site 3 Key at the start, so go through the mines and
make your way to Site 9 by going North through Site 2 and back down
to the Southwestern Site 9 area.
This fight is extremely easy with a stong mage equipped with Aeroga.
Start by spamming that to pick off all Antlion's minions, which he can
consume to heal HP. Then keep hitting him with it to bring him down fast.
Just have Haste and Faith on your mage. The other 2 characters can either
attack Antlion or help keep the mage alive. You can also Warp the minions
if youd like that better.
After this hunt, you can go to The Phon Coast/Hunter's Camp. Head North
a bit to see the man who fell from Bhujerba. Next to him on the floor
is the Site 11 Key.
:Viera Wayfarer, Balfonheim Port/The Whitecap
:Cerobi Steppe/The Northsward
:Level 41+
:3500 Gil, 1 Halberd, 1 Crystal Shield, 1 Dragon Scale (loot)
Another straighforward hunt. Head all the way North in the
Cerobi Steppe to find him. Dispel anything he has, and begin
attacking. Spam Aeroga because he's weak to air. If you have
a good mage, give it Haste/Faith and youll be doing 7000+ a
hit, ending the battle very quickly. You can also Decoy a
tank to have this battle be even easier. At levels 45+ he wont
be doing any substantial damage.
With the Dragon Scale, go back to where you fought Vyraal and
examine Windmill No. 10. Give the Scale to the Researcher
person. This gets you the Ageworn Key. Take this to Sochen
Cave Palace, and go up to Destiny's March. Enter the circular
area from the East, then go clockwise around it back to the
East. This unlocks the Hall of the Wroth God, where Hellwyrm
waits. He has 8,500,000 HP, so don't go for him until youre
at a MUCH higher level, probably 70 or 80+.
:No. 381, Dalmasca Estersand/South Bank Camp
:Barheim Passage/West Annex (thin, Southern portion)
:Level 42+
:2400 Gil, 1 Stun Bombs, 1 Vampyr Fang
This Hunt is pretty straightforward. To find him, make sure you have
the Barheim Key. If you dont, look at my Deathbringer FAQ on
for info on where it is (FFXII). Once you have it, go to the
Barheim Passage/Great Central Passage. Head West until you see 2
tracks going off into tunnels. With the camera behind you, take the
path on the right (technically northmost path). Continue through
the Pass until you eventually reach the West Annex (it is South of
The Zeviah Span). Now head to the Southern portion of this area,
on the thin bridge-like portion. Bloodwing will appear around here.
This Hunt is annoying because of the enemies that will spawn.
Dead Bones and Specters will pop up periodically to hassle you,
dealing damage as well as casting Blind and Reflect. Go ahead
and Blind Bloodwing, making it easier to dispatch the others.
Whenever lesser enemies appear, immediately kill them with
tanks or whatnot, and be mindful of Reflect. Always Dispel
Bloodwing if he does get Reflected. He may also cast Leech.
However, he has little HP, so spamming an -aga spell while
attacking should wrap this up quickly. He's also weak to
Holy damage, so use Holy if you have it, or equip Holy-type
- After Bloodwing, you can head West into Terminus No. 7
Adjunct, and further into Terminus No. 7. Here lies the
Zalera Esper, which you can easily dispatch around level 30.
- When heading back to South Bank Camp to get your reward,
if you're passed Giruvegan in the story, talk to the
Unlucky Merchant in the Village. He now sells Golden Axes
and Diamond Armlets. The Axes have 110 power, the second
strongest Axes in the game. The Armlets allow you to
open otherwise useless chests in powerful areas and receive
rare, special items.
- The Vampyr Fang given as a reward, if you find one more,
can be sold along with 2 Doral Fins and 3 Gemini Gems to
unlock the Artemis Arrows Bazaar good, the most powerful
arrows in the game (+5 ATK, Earth element, 15000 Gil).
:Fermon, Old Archades/Alley of Muted Sighs
:Tchita Uplands/Garden of Life's Circle (Cloudy weather only)
:Level 45+
:4200 Gil, 1 Barrel Coat, 1 Hi-Ether
To find Lindwyrm, the weather in Tchita Uplands must be cloudy.
To have this happen, you must exit/re-enter the Uplands entirely
if it isnt the right weather. Pick the Sochen Cave Palace or
The Phon Coast to exit to. Then keep re-entering Tchita Uplands
until the sky is cloudy. Note that it's always a little cloudy.
What we want are dark grey clouds filling the entire sky.
Probably the hardest Rank V Hunt out there.
Now head down to Garden of Life's Circle, contrary to where
the client told you to go. Lindwyrm is here. Dispel his buffs
as usual, and Blind him. He will Petrify and Sap your party
with respective attacks, so be prepared with Esuna and Stona.
Have a mage with Faith spam Aeroga (deals 7000 damage with a
good mage at level 48), and attack with 2 tanks. When you
get him low, he'll Restore once, and a second time when you
lower his HP again. You can put him to Sleep for this, but
I didnt bother. After both Restores, I pulled out a Quickening
chain to finish him off.
:Ivaness, Mt. Bur-Omisace/Temple Grounds
:Giruvegan/Gate of Fire
:Level 45+
:3800 Gil, 1 Dark Shot, 1 Scathe Mote
Probably the most useless of all the hunts. Not only is it
insanely unnecessary to put the hunt in the depths of Giruvegan,
but the rewards arent even that good. Sigh.
Look all around Gate of Fire until you see him. He casts
Magick but has little resistance to physical damage, so just
Bravery your guys and attack. Not that hard. Then get really
angry because you have to run all the way back through
Giruvegan again.
| IIIf: Rank VI |
:Insecure Seeq, Archades/Bulward's Technicks
:Sochen Cave Palace/Doubt Abandoned
:Level 48+
:3500 Gil, 2 Hi-Ether, 1 Teleport Stone
The Overlord is found in the Northern area of Doubt Abandoned. If you need to,
head farther North in the Sochen Palace to The Acolyte's Burden. You can
save here and go back down South if ever the Overlord kills you. Anyway, he
does tons of damage (area damage with Pyromania) all the time. Equip
fire-eating armor to block Pyromania. He's weak to Water, if that helps.
I found it useful to equip Bubble Belts to my 2 tanks, and have 1 mage
out for support. I kept Decoy and Reverse constantly on 1 tank. The Decoy'd
tank would attack always, while the other tank would help re-cast Reverse,
and the mage would spam Blizzaga/cast support magick. Remember not to heal
the Reverse'd character! This worked nicely for me, seeing as the character
never died. Try this out if youre having trouble.
:Morgen, Nalbina Town/West Ward
:Nabreus Deadlands/Overlooking Eternity (secret area)
:Level 48+
:3100 Gil, Giant's Helmet, Mythril
Firstly, to find Roblon, go to Nabreus Deadlands/Slumbermead. Go to the
Northwest area and hug the wall, you should see a grassy passage that
you can enter. Go there and youll travel off the map into another area,
The Fog Mutters. Continue North to get to Overlooking Eternity.
The problem here is all the Dead Bones skeleton enemies that spawn constantly.
They will cast Blizzara and Fira, Reflectga, Flash (to Blind your party) and
will attack. THey will spawn always, but wont be such a big deal. Try to
kill them first when they spawn, either with Quickenings or Magick. If you
passed Giruvegan, take Reddas with you on this. He'll deal with the Bones.
Roblon doesnt have much HP, so have out 2 tanks and a mage. Focus attacks
with the tanks on Roblon, while the mage casts Protectga, Shellga, and
re-Hastes/re-Bravery the tanks. You might want Bubble on also. Roblon
won't really do anything drastic, so just keep attacking and healing when
low on HP.
:Barrong, Nalbina Town/West Ward
:Necrohol of Nabudis/Hall of Slumbering Might
:Level 48+
:3600 Gil, Save the Queen, Einherjarium
Ok, enter the Necrohol from NE Nebreus Deadlands to get here easily. Goliath
is pretty much right infront of you - the most northwest portion of this area.
As you go in, keep your camera behind you. Continue forward, hugging the wall
on your right, until you reach the corner opposite the corner Goliath is
standing. 3 or 4 Baknamy enemies will appear. Slay them all so you dont have to
deal with them. Then re-heal and buff. Make sure you have Shell, Protect, Haste,
and Bravery on each character, and Bubble Belts equipped. Dispel his Protect
and Shell. Then attack. His Magicks will do a lot of damage even if you
are Shelled, so be prepared to heal. Once you get him below about 50% HP he
seems to stop casting spells. He will kick your guys and possibly Disable some,
so be ready with Esuna. Keep attacking - I used 3 melee tanks for this fight.
Remember to re-buff your guys as soon as their buffs wear off, in the midst
of battle. He goes down soon.
:Popol, Nalbina Town/Jajim Bazaar
:Necrohol of Nabudis/Cloister of the Highborn (2 Characters in Critical)
:Level 50+
:2800 Gil, 2 Hi-Ethers, Soul of Thamasa
This fight was pretty tough. To begin, enter the Necrohol through the
Nabreus Deadlands. Go South through Hall of Slumbering Might and Hall
of the Ivory Covenant. At the Southern edge of Hall of the Ivory Covenant,
where the staircase is to enter the next area (which is Cloister of the
Highborn), make sure 2 of your characters are in critical HP. YOu might have to
attack them yourself to get them down. Once they are, enter the next area.
Deathscythe should appear immediately.
If you have the Defender sword, or any Holy-enchanted weapons, equip them.
He is extremely annoying. He will Annul your MP to 0, cast Doom, cast Death,
and create a Paling which makes him immune to attacks. Giev your party
the usual buffs. Blind and Slow him. Then all out attack until his Paling goes
up. From here, take your best mages and spam Curaga on him (yes, Curaga-he is
weak to Holy). By the end of the fight, things will get rough. You should have
a low on HP party with no mana on most characters. Just keep Reviving dead
people and spamming Curaga. And good luck.
:War-Chief Supinelu, Jahara/Lull of the Land
:Zertinan Caverns/Hourglass Basin (secret area)
:Level 50+
:3200 Gil, 1 Volcano, 1 Arctic Wind
Ok, to get here, go to Zertinan Caverns/The Undershore. Just South of the
Save Crystal on the East edge there is a secret path. Follow this to get to
where Catoblepas is.
Anyway, have someone actively Dispel him. He casts Protect, Bravery, and Haste
on himself throughout the battle. Hes big on physical attacks, so have
Protect always on. Definetly Blind him. Slow if you want. Then just have tanks
attack him, and if you want you can spam Dark spells (which he's weak to) like
Darkga. Ninja swords do well since they all have Dark-elements to them.
-Wild Malboro-
:Rena, Eruyt Village/The Spiritwood
:The Feywood/Redolent Glade
:Level 48+
:4600 Gil, 1 Euclid's Sextant
Probably the easiest Rank VI fight yet. Not much to this - it will mostly
consist of keeping your mage alive. Anyway, go in all buffed up and have your
mage as your primary character. There will be a few Malboros around the Wild
one, so bomb them all with an Aeroga (Weak to Air). Then, have 1 person tank
with Decoy on, 1 person dedicated to healing and re-buffing, and the last
be your mage, who spams Aeroga all fight. The Malboro will cause lots of status
effects (one of his attacks causes them ALL), so have Esuna or Esunaga. It
seems like the Malboro will attack whoever is doing the most damage. This is
why you should Decoy a tank, so your mage can deal as much as possible before
dying. Attack and you're golden.
:Whitecap Wench, Balfonheim Port/The Whitecap
:The Pharos/Any Subterra (Umbra, Penumbra, Abyssal)
:Level 58+
:3000 Gil, Sapping Bolts, 1 Ragnarok
I wrote the explanation for this hunt, but my other computer crashed.
I'll update this with the full explanation soon as I get the comp back.
You can find him on Umbra or Penumbra - he has the least HP on Penumbra, so
look there. Go from 1st Floor to Umbra and wait. If you see enemies, Ixion
isnt coming, so go back up and come down again. If you see no enemies, wait
30 seconds and Ixion will teleport in.
To defeat Ixion you need to use Reflectga (if youre underleveled,
around 55). Reflectga before the battle so his Silencga, Sleepga, and other
spells bounce off. He's weak to Holy, so spam that with a mage or attack
with an Excalibur/Holy Lance. Other than that, just bring out some tanks
and attack constantly.
-The Seer-
:Montblanc, Rabanastre/Clan Hall
:The Pharos/Unknown
:Level 63+
:20000 Gil, 2 Megalixers
Ok, to find The Seer, you have to fill up every altar on the Penumbra,
Umbra, and Abyssal floors. Also, you must kill the secret Phoenix who is located
somewhere on the north side of Penumbra, deep within the rooms.
Anyway, thats 4 altars per floor (theyre in the corner
rooms), so 12 altars total. You fill the altars with black orbs, which
you get from killing enemies, or finding random Massive black orbs, which
can give up to 75 of them, as little as 2. These are the altar orb requirements:
SE: 3 SW: 6 NW: 9 NE: 18
SE: 15 SW: 18 NW: 9 NE: 15
SE: 27 SW: 12 NW: 21 NE: 15
Get to it. Then, the Unknown floor will be unlocked, where The Seer is. Go
in all buffed up and prepare to be annoyed. Get Sage Rings and Bubble Belts.
Dispel him and attack. He will Immobilezega, which can be annoyig, and will
Fearga you, taking away all your guys' MP. He Curses too, causing Disease,
Confusion, and like Sap/Poison. And this is only him alone. Once you drain
his HP enough, he brings out Pharos bosses. The seer will be immune to
everything when bosses are out. First is Pandemonium, who attacks and casts
Fearga and things. Just attack with melee people. Of course, you have to also
deal with the Seer whom you cant attack but will spam you with things. Prepare
to also be Dispelga'd. Arise whoever dies and recast Bubble - the really only
critical buff you need. Cast Hastega and Protectga when possible.
Next is Sylt, the fish guy. He's immune to Holy, so take off your Excalibur.
This is good though, since if you cast Reverse+Renew on him he will die fast.
If not, spam spells and attack, this phase is pretty easy.
Fenrir is a bit harder. Dispel him and watch for Seer to start spamming Invert.
Once you see the battle log display he's readying Invert, start charging
a Curaga to that character. Its a blessing in disguise since it should completely
replenish your MP drained from Fearga. Have someone cast Curaja periodically to
keep everyone in tip top shape.
Phoenix is next, which is kinda hard but still the same. He's still flying so
youll have to use Foe: flying...Telekinesis gambits. Make sure youre well
protected since Phoenix pulls off some high combos. Not much to do here but
deal damage and keep healed.
Then you get to kick the Seers butt, finally. This part can be fun if you catch
him in his Fearga 'glitch' - that is, at some point in the battle, he goes into
this state where if you have MP, he will Fearga. Meaning he Feargas, you attack him
(and gain MP from your Headhunter augment), he Feargas again, you attack again/gain
MP, etc etc. This can go on for a while, and with 3 tanks focusing on him, you can
easily waste 90% of his HP in one fell swoop. Then just watch for Scathe. If he
charges it, run one character away from the others so he can Arise them. And after
a bit youll win.
| IIIg: Rank VII |
:Traveler, Aerodome (any)
:Airship (any - read below for details)
:Level 55+
:3400 Gil, 2 Elixers
A tough fight indeed. First, you have to find him. This can be sorta tricky
to explain but anyway. Enter an Aerodrome. Look for a young boy with his 2
parents - this is the Traveler. He gives you the hunt. Now talk to him and
go on any Airship flight. When you land, look for him again and talk again.
He'll say something different about Deathgaze now, hinting it's getting
closer. Keep going on flights and talking to the boy after landing until he
tells you he heard it roar. Go on one last flight. You will then be asked
to fight it.
As said, a difficult fight. To begin with, he has a Paling on against attacks,
so you have to cast Magick. I just set all my characters to Flare the nearest
enemy. Do that and heal until the Paling goes down. Cast Bio or Scourge on
him, since he is suseptile to Sap. This helps throughout the battle.
Then pull out the Decoy/Reverse combo on your tank. Make sure one character
is almost constantly Reverse'ing the tank, since it goes off fast. Have your
other 2 characters attack or cast Flare. Once Deathgaze gets low he will
cast Reverse on himself. This might catch you offguard and get you to heal
him for a few thousand HP. Wait a couple seconds for it to wear off. Then
he'll start to spam Scourge, so be prepared for Sap (you can just leave it
on). Anyway finish him with Quickenings.
:Miclio, Bhujerba/Miners' End
:Lhusu Mines/Site 11
:Level 52+
:2600 Gil, 1 Demon Shield, 1 Zeus Mace
You first need the Site 11 Key (see the Antlion Hunt section). To get there,
just go West from the Tashe Span in the Lhusu Mines till you get to Site 11.
This hunt is located in the Southwest area of Site 11.
Anyway, Diabolos will attack and cast a spell that inflicts a bunch of
status effects, including Confuse which will suck. Esuna that as soon as
possible, and just keep attacking. Have Bubble on all your characters since
he will hit for 2000+ damage. Spam Scourge or Flare. When he gets low on HP
he'll cast Haste so dispel that, then watch out for Pyromania when hes critical.
Pretty easy battle.
-Mystery Man Gilgamesh-
:Montblanc, Clan HQ
:Lhusu Mines/Tasche Span (First battle)
Lhusu Mines/Site 7 (Second battle)
:Level 50+ (First battle)
Level 60+ (Second battle)
:10000 Gil, 1 Masamune
Uh, tricky battle, at least the second half.
Basically, head east of the
Lhusu Gate Crystal to find him the first time. He has his dog Enkidu with him.
Dispel anything on the two, and kill Enkidu first (he gives 27 LP). Then focus
on Gilgamesh. If you're around level 50, this is pretty simple and you just
attack. At 20% HP intervals, he will have a cutscene and bring out a different
sword from Final Fantasy's history. Steal from him *after each scene*. The
last 2 Steals will get you the Genji Shield and Genji Gloves. Towards the end
of the battle he will set up a Paling against everything, so you have to wait
until he uses his ultimate move twice before it goes down.
West of the Tasche Span is Site 9. Go North until you reach Site 11. Then go
North and East until you get to Lasche Span. Go Southeast to Site 5. Note
there are hard enemies here if you're level ~50. Go Northeast until you hit
Site 6 South. Then go South until the Staging Area. Save here and get ready
for the second battle. Make sure youre the proper level!
I wrote the explanation for this hunt, but my other computer crashed.
I'll update this with the full explanation soon as I get the comp back.
:Ieeha/Relj, Mt. Bur-Omisace/Temple Approach
:Paramina Rift/Silverflow's End (Follow the blizzard)
:Level 58+
:7000 Gil, Assassin's Arrows, 1 Teleport Stone
This hunt is VERY tough. But first, to get to him, follow this path out of
Mt. Bur Omisace, into Paramina Rift:
Freezing Gorge -> Head of the Silverflow -> Icebound Flow -> Karydine Glacier
-> Silverflow's End. This is the only way to get to Fafnir.
If you're underleveled, Fafnir will be nearly impossible. He hits for a lot,
puts buffs on himself, casts Shock, White Breath, Sleepga and Silencega. So
I went ahead and did this the cheap way. Basically, in the Southeast of the
section, there is a boulder. If you stand next to it, Fafnir can't reach you.
Youll know youre in the right spot when he begins casting Shock and his -ga's
over and over. Take out 3 characters (one mage, preferably). Give 1 an Opal
Ring and cast Reflectga on your party. This way, Fafnir's magicks will bounce
off (since this is all he can hit you with). From here on out its just you
versus your mana stores. Keep your mage Hasted/Faith'd and spam Thundaga. Cast
Scourge to inflict Sap. Then, if you have melee characters out, set up their
gambits to cast Telekinesis on nearby enemies. And pretty soon you'll win.
This is of course the cheap way, and takes about 10 minutes.
:Zammadria, Nalbina Aerodrome
:The Salikawood/Sun-Dappled Path (Kill nothing in Salikawood)
:Level 50+
:5200 Gil, Stink Bombs, 1 Putrid Liquid
An easy hunt, even though the poster for him is creepy. Anyway, when you enter
Salikawood, DONT KILL ANYTHING! ANYWHERE! Just run to the Sun-Dappled Path and
buff up. Relj joins you. Have 1 or 2 melees and at least one person standing
far back, to heal the others. He doesnt have much HP, and you should be able to
get him below 25% before he starts Confusing your party. When this happens,
just Esunaga with the person standing behind. Dont be afraid of Growing Threat,
which doubles his level. Just keep attacking and this ends soon.
The Putrid Liquid, if you find 2 more, can be sold with 3 Book of Orgains and
10 Water Crystals to unlock the Water Bombs Bazaar good. Theyre the second
most powerful bombs, if you use hand bombs.
:Rikken, Balfonheim Port/Saccio Lane (Finish his racing game)
:Pharos - First Ascent/They Who Thirst Not
:Level 55+
:8000 Gil, 1 Grand Mace, 2 Scathe Motes
Teleport to Pharos and head West one screen to find him. This battle is easy
depending how you wanna do it. Using the Decoy/Reverse strategy makes this
battle plausible around level 52. Basically use the strategy as always,
re-casting Reverse every 5 or so seconds and recasting Decoy every 30 or so.
Make sure Cure gambits are off, so you dont accidently heal your Reverse'd guy.
Then position the other 2 characters far away so they dont get hit by
Pylraster's AoE attacks like Screwtail. This battle will lag on forever if
you dont have a good mage. Spamming Firaga here does 9999 damage, so Haste your
mage and do that indefinetly. Attacks will likely do 1500 or less, so Firaga
is pretty much better. He uses Growing Threat to double his level, but use
the same strategy. Finish him with Quickenings at the end if you'd like.
-Behemoth King-
:Koqmihn, Rabanastre Lowtown/Dalan's House
:The Feywood/The Edge of Reason (kill all enemies in both Feywood areas)
:Level 63+
:250 Gil, 2 Bacchus' Wines
Well first youve gotta clear EVERY enemy out of The Feywood/The Edge of Reason
and /Ice Field of Clearsight. Yes, it IS annoying. The best thing to do is go
around each perimeter, then search the middle of the map and the shrines. Then
do it again to check for respawns. The move on the the next area and search
another 2-3 times. Then back to Edge of Reason. Behemoth King will spawn near
the Giruvegan Gigas Gate.
Grab some Sage Rings (Old Archades) before you go to this fight.
Tough battle. He will begin by spamming Slowga and various Elemental spells.
Pretty much have your mage spam Scathe, and the other characters attacking and
keeping everyone alive and healthy. Have one character stay AWAY from the other
two, and give him a Self: Decoy gambit. Heal and such.
Eventually the next phase will begin, where he alternates between being immune
to attacks and being immune to magick. When hes immune to magick, bring out 3
tanks and go all out. Have someone periodically Curaja, and keep Bubble casted
on those who dont have a Bubble Belt. If Behemoth starts charging Holy or
White Breath, equip Sage Rings to absorb the damage. White Breath causes Stop,
so get Chronos Tears ready. And just keep attacking, which will be easy if you
have a Tournesol/Masamune/Excalibur, etc.
When hes immune to attacks, keep 1 tank out and have Decoy always on him. Then
bring out a mage and a support character equipped with a ranged weapon (like
a bow), so the mage/supporter will be out of the way of all AoE crap. Have Faith
kept on the mage as she spams Scathe, and let the tank go ahead and attack even
though Behemoth is immune. Have the tank heal himself when necessary. And during
this time the support charactr can re-buff the tank, since he'll be out for the
magick immune part as well.
Keep alternating between these strategies. At low HP he will take less damage
and have a 6999 cap from spells and such. On a side note, he's immune to every
status and takes half from every element so. Good luck.
And how bout that bounty? Bet you were glad you did the hunt. Well, fear not,
theres more! Go to Mt Bur-Omisace and Remove Vaan's weapon. Go North a screen
and touch the big statue of the wyrm. Thatll give you 500,000 Gil and the
Staff of Faith (I think its called).
Side Quests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Floatweed side quest is made in Mosphoran Highwaste. I sugest you to do this after defeating Cid.
1- buy a Gysahl Green from Bafonheim post in the seller near the teleport crystal.
2-After you teleport to Mosphoran highwaste, in fron of the teleport crystal are two shrines, turn them on.
3- Go to the right zone of the village and give to the chocobo the gysahl green.
4- Go South, push the select button, and there is a ! in the map (The ! floating weeds are small bridges to pass throw) pass that and continue the road.
5- Once reached the other zone of the map, get out from the other exit from the left (it should lead the village again)
6- Now you should push the rock, and turn on the shrine near that rock you pushed.
7- After you did everything back, you can use that new passage you made (pushing the rock) and you can pass throw.
This is made in The Dalmasca Eastersand/South bank
In order to rescue the dad, it's seems you need to find one of the king cactoid's son.He is in the south Bank behind a house. Once you find him, ride the boat to the other side and go talk to the king cactoid~.
Before you can do this, you have to have cleared the Cluckatrice
mark, passed the storyline up to Archades, and obtained the key
item Feather of the Flock. This key item can only be gotten in the
rainy season in the secret area "Tracks of the Beast," which is
created by chopping down withered six withered trees in the Giza
Come back to the nomad village in the dry season to find the li'l
girl herder's livestock have flown the coop. You can find them all
around the world in the places with many people. In no particular
#1 - Archades
Clear Archades' events and return here, right after if y'want.
Do the chops mini-quest and get all twenty-eight of them, then
trade it in for one sandlewood chop. In the Tsenoble area, you
can now access the place behind the docent. There will be a
large cockatrice in the station here, and if you talk to it,
it will leave and give you a [TUMULUS] hand-bomb.
#2 - Balfonheim
Speak with the miffed moogle to learn of its traveling plight,
and talk to the girl by the stables. Show her the Feather of
the Flock. Talk to Gurdy by the chocobo stables and moogle'll
rent the tiny 'chocobo' in the pen for 1 gil. Of course, its
not a chocobo but a cockatrice -- you get a [DEFENDER] for the
#3 - Jahara
In the village proper, talk to the herder who wants to know
what the cockatrice is doing there. Talk to the bird and relay
that it's from Giza Plains. The herder tells you speak with
the Great-chief; do so and get his gift. Give it to the bird,
then talk with the herder to get a [PLATINUM DAGGER].
#4 - Eruyt Village
In "Fane of the Path," the cockatrice has lost its memory and
won't leave until it's recovered. You'll have to find dewdrop
pebbles along the woods to restore it.
1 - Fane of the Path - by salve-maker's pestle bowl
2 - Fane of the Path - north part of circular walkway
3 - The Spiritwood - on bridge by path to Fane of the Path
4 - The Spiritwood - by the fountain
5 - The Spiritwood - by the fountain; ask the Viera to get it
6 - The Spiritwood - by the wood-warders' hut
7 - The Spiritwood - on the stair leading to Fane of the Path
8 - The Spiritwood - below small stair south of the fountain
9 - The Spiritwood - by southern dead end
Give the dewdrop pebbles to Mjrn and after the ninth, the bird
will drop the tenth. Give it to Mjrn and the bird will recover
its memory and you receive a [YOICHI BOW].
#5 - Rabanastre
In "North End," at the very north part, a lone cockatrice is
found in a corner. It runs away when you encounter it and will
continue to do so. Chasing it is no good, so one has to snatch
it by hiding. Waiting behind a pillar or out of view and when
it turns a corner (easy to do in pillars kittie-corner to East
End) makes it easy prey. When it asks you what you're doing,
tell it you're not ruffling its feathers.
It will now be in the north section by the fountain and stays
there until you've sent the Eruyt cockatrice (Chit) back to
the nomad village. Inform it of your progress to receive a
#6 - South Bank Village
The last cockatrice (Sassan) doesn't do anything until you've
restored the ferry to North Bank Village (see NBV1). Once back
on at the south shore, talk to Tchigri and he'll want to ship
the bird north. The correct combination for doing this:
Natyhl --> Arryl --> Sassan
Take them one at a time and when Sassan finally gets across,
he'll give Vaan a [KOGA BLADE].
Once all six cockatrice have been flung back into their pen, return
to the nomad village (provided it's the dry season) and find Terra.
She gives you [HI-ETHER x 2] for the successful round-up.
Ann's Letter::::
I recommend you to defeat Cid first!After defeating him, you will be able to get the last city which has one of the flypaths:Balfonheim.
There are two ways of doing this, since every one of them have "go and return" flypaths:
Nalbina to Rabanastre / Rabanastre to Nalbina
Balfonheim to Archades / Archades to Balfonheim
Balfonheim to Nalbina / Nalbina to Balfonheim
Bhujerba to Balfonheim / Balfonheim to Bhujerba
Bhujerba to Rabanastre / Rabanastre to Bhujerba
Archades to Nalbina / Nalbina to Archades
Archades to Rabanastre / Rabanastre to Archades
The last sister (7th) will give you a surprise.
Return the Package::::
Talk to several NPC around Rabastre near the place you found the gates were closed. A Seeq will give you a package to deliver to hos friend outside the gates. Find a way to exit Rabanastre (through Lowtown, south gate). At the gate, see a line of people and Banga, Seeq. One of them is the person who will receive the package. Do not deliver it, keep the loot as there is no reward for delivering it and the package receiver will disappear.
First complete the “Cactoid sidequest” together with the Barheim key and for last, defeat Galgamesh twice.
To activate the fishing game, warp into the South Village in Damalsca Estersand and talk to Ruksel who is standing on the pier overlooking the North Shore.After talking to Ruksel, now you will need to find a fishing rod for him. Now you have to warp to Port Balfonheim. Go to the Aerodome area ( Chivany Breakwater ) and talk to the Fishing Enthusiast twice. After talking to him, just walk away from him until you can’t see him on the screen. Wait for a few seconds and go back to his location. The Fishing Enthusiast is no longer there but he has left his fishing rod ( Muramata ). Take the rod and pass it to Ruksel in South Village.Your first priority is to get the five colors bottle. During the course of doing the fishing game, you will able to catched some colored bottle. The five bottle are Blue, Red, Yellow, Green and Black. You will be able to get them on the first 2 location which is Downstreams and Midstreams. The Bottle are hints to get a better rod ( Matamune ) for Ruksel. Getting the rod is crucial for you to proceed in the fishing game.Once you acquire all five bottle, you can start the quest for Matamune. We will start with the first one - the Blue Bottle. Travel to Nabrues Deadlands and go to the location ( refer map ) You will see a glowing item on the ground ( Faint Glow ). Simply go toward it and the Blue bottle will break revealing the next clue.For the next faint Glow is for the Green Bottle. It is located in Salikawood. The last section before the Deadlands ( refer map ). It is located in the moogle hut. Go toward the entrace select yes, and the green bottle will break revealing the next clue.Now warp yourself to Mosphoran Highwaste. In the same area ( Babbling Vale ) just head north from the warp crystal ( refer map ). The faint glow is located in the Quiet Shrine, simply go infront of the shrine and select yes. The Red bottle will break revealing your next clue.The next clue will take you to Cerobi Steppe. Remember the windmills located in this area? You just need to activate ( turn ON ) windmill # 1,2,5,7 and 9. Deactivate ( turn OFF ) windmill # 3,4,6,8 and 10 ( refer map ). It doesn’t have to be in sequence. Once all windmill is turned to their respective requirements, the Yellow bottle will break and revealing the next clue.The final clue will bring you to Rabanastre, the Garamsythe Waterways to be exact. The faint glow is located near the rats ( refer map ). The bottle will break to reveal the final clue in your quest for Matamune.The final clue will explained that you need to go to Barheim Passage. That is why acquiring the Barheim Key and defeating Gilgamesh is crucial. Warp into Barheim Passage and go to Zeviah Span. There is a small area there that you can access from the south ( refer map ). There will be a scene with Gilgamesh. After the scene you will receive your next fishing rod Matamune. Now that you have this rod you will be abe to finish what you have started.Matamune is required to get the Cactoid Compact in the Upperstream. Without Matamune you will not be able to get this item no matter how many perfect hit you scores. Once you receive this item, Ruksel will inform that a cactoid has some new hidden fishing area for you to fish. Completing 9 perfect hit will net you the Cactoid Commendation this will opens up the final fishing spot Den of the River Lord.
Stone of the Condemner::::
The item is at mt. Bur omisace speak to the acolyte at the base of the stairs leading up to the hall of the light. he says to seek out greater power and give u the stone that leads to this esper
the esper is at the stilshrine of miriam activate the way stone at the south end of ward of measure use the stone at that point to travel to the boss location.
He is the new worker in Nalbina/West ward doing the repairs.
Complete Atomos, Roblon, Goliath, Deathscythe and Carrot Hunts and talk to Jovy.
3 Medallions of Necrohol of Nabudis::::
1 Medallion:
Complete the Orthros Hunt and you will receive this item
Complete the White Mousse Hunt and receive the Garamsythe Waterway/ Central control, Sluice key.
After, go to the Central waterway control and do this:
1- First Open all sluice gates (if there is one closed (lighted))
2- Close No. 11 Control
3- Close No. 04 Control
4- Open No. 11 Control
5- Close No. 03 Control
6- Open No. 04 Control
After, head south of this central control room, and take the item on the ground.
1- Go to Nabreus Deadlands/The Muted scarp and talk to the Nu Mou there.
2- Go to Rabanastre/Lowtown and speak with Roh'kenmou in Old Dalan's house.
3- Talk to Filo in Lowtown's South Sprawl (in eastern part) to learn they've
searched everywhere for the medallion except the city streets.
4- In Rabanastre's "Southern Plaza" area talk to the "Curious Woman" by the
fountain. Listen to her story to learn she's an amnesiac with only a
necklace as a memento.
5- Go to the Muthru Bazaar (Rabanastre) and find the orange bangaa merchant.
Talk to him about the necklace to learn he sold it to an Imperial a short
while back. He used to be at the Sandsea, but has left for somewhere else
it seems...
6- Enter Yugri's Magicks (Rabanastre) and talk to the Sotted Imperial NPC about the necklace and woman near the fountain. He'll want you to fetch her to him, in order to corroborate your story.
7- The Curious Woman isn't at the plaza any longer, so return to Filo in
Lowtown; she'll have located her. Agree to accompany Filo to the magicks
shop, and you'll automatically arrive there.
8- Talk to the Imperial again.
After all these 3 fragments, give them to Roh'kenmou.
2 Medallion:
1- Fly yourself to Archades and stop by Charlotte's Magickery.Talk to Roh'kenmu
2- Go to Old Archades/Alley of Muted Sighs north and find Otto.
3- Go to Nabreus Deadlands' normal save area and talk to Ma'kleou.
It's in "Overlooking Eternity" as the Nu'mou says.
4- Go to "The Slumbermead" and search the northwestern part of the marsh for a secret off-the-map route into "The Fog Mutters."
From there, you can make your way to "Overlooking Eternity." There
are a lot of Dead Bones enemies here, but once you approach the
shrine at the top, a scene takes place.
You will obtain now the both medalions you were giving to them.
3 Medallion:
The last of the both you use on the door in Necrohol of Nabudis (Medallion of love or the Medallion of Bravery) the boss when defeated gives you the Medallion of Might.
Barheim Key::::
This key leads to the back entrance(Murmuring defile) from barheim passage (Since the front door is blocked by rocks).
Once you made the cactoid side quest, you need to give to Danto's wife (South bank) some Semclam shells.these shells can be found in the village water or outside the village water (You will see some things shining)
After you give at least 3 shells for her, she is asking for Nebralism.This item can be found up in a box near Danto (Outpost) with the name of Small phial. Once you deliver it to Danto's wife, she wil ask for Valeblossom Dew, you find it in Dalmasca Eastersand/Broken sands along the clifs (Top of the pink flower tree).
After you deliver it to Danto's wife, the pacient is finally recovered (hurrrrrraaayyy) and go talk to him (Behind Dantro's wife house) and he will give to you the barheim key.
Site 11 Key (Lhusu Mines)::::
This key seems to be droped by the kid after you do Mirilith Hunt. The key is droped in Phon Coast in Hunter's camp North right side of the two men talking. You will see a thing shining on the ground.
Sluice Key::::
Complete the Mirilith Hunt and receive the Sluice key from the moogle.
2nd part of Henne Mines::::
First you need to get 10 spers and make the Mindflayer hunt. After you do these, talk to the Geomancer in Jahara.
Secret Merchant::::
He is in the necrohol of Nabudis/Hall of effulgent Light. Go north to a room which leads to another room that is not shown in the map.Hug one of the wall corner until it shows "???".
Rare Game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have seen this at: Thank them ;) next.
Rare monsters which drop Trophy would only appear once, after defeating it will never appear anymore. Collected Trophies can trade for other things from the Bangaa race in Phon Coast. The Hunt Shop near there, sell different items depend on which Bangaa has the Trophies.
Rare Monster No. 01/80
Name : Aspidochelon (293)
HP : 64000
EX : 1846
LP : 11
Weak : Wind
Drops : Engage Solid/Adamantine Trophy
Steal : Scarletite
Original : Adamantitan
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Cerobi Steppe
Appearance : At the three splited area, randomly replace anyone of the
Rare Monster No. 02/80
Name : Thalassinon (295)
HP : 60000
EX : 1775
LP : 10
Weak : Wind
Drops : Engage Shell/Shelled Trophy
Steal : Adamantite
Original : Emeralditan
Rare Rank : ****
Location : Phon Coast
Appearance : South-East most, stay at the hill and wait awhile, it will appear
at the bottom.
Rare Monster No. 03/80
Name : Greeden (297)
HP : 7200
EX : 410
LP : 3
Weak : Earth
Drops : Braid Wool, Blood Wool
Steal : Wind Magicite, Wind Crystal
Poach : Blood Wool
Original : Wooly Gator
Rare Rank : ***
Location : Dalmasca Eastersand
Appearance : Nebra Shore, keep killing enemies there except Flower Saboten,
after awhile it will appear around the shore.
Rare Monster No. 04/80
Name : Bull Croc (299)
HP : 14078
EX : 691
LP : 5
Weak : Wind
Drops : Pebble, Braid Wool, Demon Mail
Steal : Blood Wool
Poach : Broken Sword
Original : Feral Croc
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Ozmone Plains
Appearance : Appear randomly in North of The Shred (South-East).
Rare Monster No. 05/80
Name : Gavial (301)
HP : 81000
EX : 2673
LP : 13
Weak : Earth
Drops : Engage Fur/Fur-scaled Trophy
Steal : Antarctic Wind
Original : Baritine Croc
Rare Rank : ****
Location : Garamsythe Waterway
Appearance : Just wait for it at 10th Waterway awhile. Before you can go there,
light on the 10th Area Panel for the first.
Rare Monster No. 06/80
Name : Wary Wolf (303)
HP : 14200
EX : 847
LP : 8
Weak : Earth
Drops : Wolf Pelt, Power Armlet
Steal : Prime Pelt
Poach : Hell-Gate’s Flame
Original : Wolf
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Mosphoran Highwaste
Appearance : South section where’s connected to Dalmasca Eastersand, get
certain chain combo from killing the wolfs there. But sometimes
it would appear even if you don’t get chain.
Rare Monster No. 07/80
Name : Kaiser Wolf (305)
HP : 20000
EX : 821
LP : 11
Weak : Earth
Drops : Engage Fang/Fanged Trophy
Steal : Throat Wolf Blood
Original : Silver Lobo
Rare Rank : ***
Location : Dalmasca Westersand
Appearance : North section just before to Dragon’s Lair/Wyrm Nast, it’s at
the right bend area.
Rare Monster No. 08/80
Name : Lindbur Wolf (307)
HP : 4200
EX : 197
LP : 3
Weak : Earth
Drops : Wolf Pelt, Prime Pelt
Steal : Gradius
Poach : Libra Gem
Original : Worgan
Rare Rank : **
Location : Dalmasca Westersand
Appearance : Get certain chain combo from killing the wolfs, go from Rabanastre
and keep tight to the South, find this monster in the smaller area
of the next section.
Rare Monster No. 09/80
Name : Dreadguard (309)
HP : 35020
EX : 1408
LP : 12
Weak : Earth
Drops : Engage Flutter/Fearther Trophy
Steal : Mirror Scale
Original : Mirrorknight
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Feywood
Appearance : At the West section just before Henne Mines, get certain chain
combo from the Mirrorknights there. If it doesn’t show, just exit
and re-enter.
Rare Monster No. 10/80
Name : Crypt Bunny (311)
HP : 21505
EX : 646
LP : 12
Weak : Fire
Drops : Drab Wool, Muramasa (very rare)
Steal : Holy Mote
Original : Dreamhare
Rare Rank : ***
Location : Feywood
Appearance : North from the Save Crystal, defeat everything there. It has few
different appearing points.
Rare Monster No. 11/80
Name : Spee (313)
HP : 15020
EX : 459
LP : 9
Weak : Water
Drops : Blood Wool, Drab Wool
Steal : Stardust
Poach : Claymore
Original : Mu
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Salikawood
Appearance : Kill all Fortune Rabbit/Wyrdhare at South-West section, then go
to the dead end to search it.
Rare Monster No. 12/80
Name : Rain Dancer (315)
HP : 8000
EX : 475
LP : 5
Weak : Thunder
Drops : Fish Scale, Ichthon Scale
Steal : Miter, Pebble
Poach : Dorsal Fin
Original : Danbania
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Giza Plains
Appearance : Rain season, appear randomly in the West section.
Rare Monster No. 13/80
Name : Razorfin (317)
HP : 170
EX : 11
LP : 2
Weak : Thunder
Drops : Fish Scale, Iron Sword
Steal : Water Magicite
Poach : Ichthon Scale
Original : Piranha
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Garamsythe Waterway
Appearance : Northern Sub Waterway, kill all Killer Fish there, exit and
re-enter. You might need to repeat few times before it comes out.
Probably you had encounter one when before Palace of Rabanastre.
Rare Monster No. 14/80
Name : Apsara (319)
HP : 23590
EX : 1080
LP : 9
Weak : Ice
Drops : Fish Scale, Pisces Gem
Steal : Empyrean Rod
Poach : Dorsal Fin
Original : Focalor
Rare Rank : **
Location : Phon Coast
Appearance : West central section, get chain combo around 10 from killing the
Rare Monster No. 15/80
Name : Rageclaw (321)
HP : 40000
EX : 1450
LP : 11
Weak : Water
Drops : Engage Sickle/Sickle Trophy
Steal : Sickle-blade
Original : Scythe Mantis
Rare Rank : ***
Location : Salikawood
Appearance : The section connected with Nabreus Deadlands, it will appear
randomly around the path to West. Try stay at the South path
for a minute and don’t kill anything there. Afterwards, you
will probably find this monster at the path to West.
Rare Monster No. 16/80
Name : Biding Mantis (323)
HP : 68500
EX : 1806
LP : 13
Weak : Holy
Drops : Engage Cutter
Steal : Tattered Garment
Original : Preying Mantis
Rare Rank : ****
Location : Golmore Jungle
Appearance : Roads section where connected to Eruyt Village, appear randomly
around South area.
Rare Monster No. 17/80
Name : Wood Toad (325)
HP : 52100
EX : 1894
LP : 13
Weak : Thunder
Drops : Horn, Platinum Helmet, Diamond Armor (very rare)
Steal : Solid Horn
Poach : Frogspawn
Original : Iguion
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Salikawood
Appearance : West section before to Necrohol of Nabudis, appear randomly when
fighting with the Malboro enemies there. It’s half invisible.
If you can’t get it to reveal, cast a Reflect on your ally and
bounce off a spell by using the Reflect to this monster.
Rare Monster No. 18/80
Name : Tarasque (327)
HP : 28082
EX : 1222
LP : 10
Weak : Water
Drops : Horn, Solid Horn
Steal : Hunting Bow
Poach : Frog Oil
Original : Lizard
Rare Rank : ***
Location : Tchita Uplands
Appearance : South-East section from the South Save Crystal, get certain chain
combo from killing the Serpent enemies there.
Rare Monster No. 19/80
Name : Grimalkin (329)
HP : 23500
EX : 839
LP : 11
Weak : Ice
Drops : Engage Whisker/Whiskered Trophy
Steal : Coeurl Whisker
Original : Coeurl
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Tchita Uplands
Appearance : Appear randomly in the hills section before Eastern Save Crystal.
Rare Monster No. 20/80
Name : Nekhbet (331)
HP : 4080
EX : 208
LP : 3
Weak : Water
Drops : Topkapi Hat, Small Feather
Steal : Rainbow Egg
Poach : Small Feather
Original : Cockatrice
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Dalmasca Eastersand
Appearance : West from Save Crystal, kill all Cockatrice.
Rare Monster No. 21/80
Name : Glaring Eye (333)
HP : 186100
EX : ?
LP : 18
Weak : Holy
Drops : Sweet, Glass Jewel
Steal : Ambrosia
Original : Necrophobe
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Henne Mines
Appearance : Crossover C, around East of this section. Appear after killing
more than three Hecteyes there. Or try the Phase 2 Shaft, if
it didn’t show in the Crossover C.
Rare Monster No. 22/80
Name : Cultsworn Lich (335)
HP : 7800
EX : 441
LP : 4
Weak : Holy
Drops : Chainmail, Sky Jewel
Steal : Dark Stone, Loxley Bow
Poach : Death Powder
Original : Lich
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Tomb of Raithwall
Appearance : In South section where you switch the Green stone to open the
secret passage. Randomly splits out from other Liches when they
are near dead (critical status).
Rare Monster No. 23/80
Name : Evil Spirit (337)
HP : 122850
EX : 3777
LP : 17
Weak : Holy
Drops : Glass Jewel, Gungnir
Steal : Lifewick
Original : Necrofiend
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Crystal Grande/The Great Crystal
Appearance : Inside Crystal Grande, from the Save Crystal before Ultima esper,
go right way which is XIX teleport platform, wait there awhile.
Rare Monster No. 24/80
Name : Juggernaut (339)
HP : 77000
EX : 1797
LP : 12
Weak : Wind
Drops : White Mask, Lumber
Steal : Mystletainn
Original : Golem
Rare Rank : ****
Location : Feywood
Appearance : Appear randomly at South section from the boss battle arena, also
where you get the map.
Rare Monster No. 25/80
Name : Molen (341)
HP : 61000
EX : 1591
LP : 11
Weak : Water
Drops : Iron Mine, Gigas Chestplate
Steal : Mythril
Original : Mythril Golem
Rare Rank : ****
Location : Zertinan Cavern
Appearance : From the Save Crystal, go East through the hidden path, kill all
Grenade there and wait in the dead end until you see it appears
at the opposite area.
Rare Monster No. 26/80
Name : Tower (343)
HP : 139000
EX : 2710
LP : 13
Weak : Dark
Drops : Grand Helm, Solid Stone
Steal : Einherjarium
Original : Babil
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Pharos at Ridorana
Appearance : Third Ascent, appear randomly at 88F, defeat as many monsters
as possible in the Third Ascent.
Rare Monster No. 27/80
Name : Grey Molter (345)
HP : 22130
EX : 1060
LP : 8
Weak : Holy
Drops : Snake Skin, Prime Tanned Hide
Steal : Aries Gem
Poach : Serpent Eye
Original : Viper
Rare Rank : ****
Location : Mosphoran Highwaste
Appearance : At Road To Sky, appear randomly around the rock.
Rare Monster No. 28/80
Name : Midgardsormr (347)
HP : 9290
EX : 589
LP : 5
Weak : Thunder
Drops : Snake Skin, Sakura-saezuri
Steal : Great Serpent’s Fang
Poach : Prime Tanned Hide
Original : Basilisk
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Golmore Jungle
Appearance : North-West section before to Ozmone Plains, appear after killing
all enemies there, exit and re-enter if it doesn’t show up.
Rare Monster No. 29/80
Name : Narzarnir (349)
HP : 39980
EX : 1489
LP : 12
Weak : Ice
Drops : Engage Gallop/Mane Trophy
Steal : Distrier Mane
Original : Sleipnir
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Giza Plains
Appearance : Dry season, randomly replace the Sleipnir at South-West section.
Rare Monster No. 30/80
Name : Victanir (351)
HP : 55400
EX : 1765
LP : 13
Weak : Holy
Drops : Engage Harf/Maverick Trophy
Steal : Wargod’s Band
Original : Shadonir
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Nam-Yensa Sandsea
Appearance : Appear randomly in South section land where connected to Zertinan
Cavern. It’s half invinsible.
Rare Monster No. 31/80
Name : Gemhorn (353)
HP : 43010
EX : 1408
LP : 12
Weak : Wind
Drops : Tanned Hide, Greataxe
Steal : Slaven Harness
Original : Slaven Wilder
Rare Rank : **
Location : Lhusu Mines
Appearance : No.11 Mines, kill all enemies including the treasuring monster,
exit and re-enter.
Rare Monster No. 32/80
Name : Luxollid/Light Of Light (355)
HP : 343000
EX : 9134
LP : 15
Weak : Dark
Drops : Electrum, Elixir
Steal : Staff of the Magi
Original : Diakon Entite
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Pharos at Ridorana
Appearance : Defeat Rare Monster No 33/80, Soul Of Chaos, don’t go other place,
just back to Subterra B2F, South area. Go from South-West section.
Rare Monster No. 33/80
Name : Vargrant Soul/Soul Of Chaos (357)
HP : 343000
EX : 9134
LP : 15
Weak : Holy
Drops : Elixir, Electrum
Steal : 8-fluted Pole
Original : Leamonder Entite
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Pharos at Ridorana
Appearance : Clear Mob Hunt mission, The Seer. Appear in Subterra B3F, North
area. Go from North-West section.
Rare Monster No. 34/80
Name : Imdugud (359)
HP : 8500
EX : 367
LP : 3
Weak : Earth
Drops : Large Feather, Windslicer Pinion
Steal : Shield Armor
Poach : White Incense
Original : Zu
Rare Rank : ****
Location : Nam-Yensa Sandsea
Appearance : Where you hunt Belito mob. Go through the separated part of
Zertinan Cavern from Ogir-Yensa Sandsea. Defeat all enemies and
wait at the circle area.
Rare Monster No. 35/80
Name : Bull Chocobo (361)
HP : 42450
EX : 1602
LP : 13
Weak : Random
Drops : Engage Beak/Beaked Trophy
Steal : Hi-Ether
Original : Chocobo
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Ogir-Yense Sandsea
Appearance : East section from the Gate Crystal, appear randomly.
Rare Monster No. 36/80
Name : Skullash (363)
HP : 52000
EX : 2277
LP : 11
Weak : Thunder
Drops : Engage Claw/Clawed Trophy
Steal : Charger Barding
Original : Cataract Aevis
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Phon Coast
Appearance : South-West cape area which you can see a hole in the map screen,
will appear randomly.
Rare Monster No. 37/80
Name : Myath (365)
HP : 52000
EX : 2277
LP : 11
Weak : Holy
Drops : Engage Eternity/Eternal Trophy
Steal : Leo Gem
Original : Dragon Lich
Rare Rank : *
Location : Stillshrine of Miriam
Appearance : From the Save Crystal area, go either left or right passage up to
Defend Of Opposite. In this section, kill all Dragon Abyss here,
then exit and re-enter will see it.
Rare Monster No. 38/80
Name : Helvinek (367)
HP : 52860
EX : 2256
LP : 13
Weak : Holy
Drops : Grand Armor, Grimoire Togail
Steal : Magick Lamp
Original : Darkmare
Rare Rank : **
Location : Necrohol of Nabudis
Appearance : Appear after you have killed six Over Soul in second section from
Salikawood. If you didn’t find six Over Souls, just defeat the
other enemies as many as you can, you will eventually get to find
six Over Souls.
Rare Monster No. 39/80
Name : Pallicant (369)
HP : 53000
EX : 2256
LP : 13
Weak : Wind
Drops : Scorpio Gem, Grimoire Togail
Steal : Gastrophetes
Poach : Snowfly
Original : Mallicant
Rare Rank : **
Location : Ridorana Cataract
Appearance : North form the Colosseum (circle area), kill all enemies there,
exit and re-enter.
Rare Monster No. 40/80
Name : Pyllo (371)
HP : 6160
EX : 217
LP : 5
Weak : Earth
Drops : Bat Fang, Spiral Incisor
Steal : Taurus Gem
Poach : Ras Algethi
Original : Redmaw
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Golmore Jungle
Appearance : East from the Gate Crystal, appear randomly after killing all
Malboro. Ok, this section has two connected pathes with the East
part which has a similar shape, if the rare monster doesn’t show,
run a circle from West, through the South path to the East part,
the throught the North path return to the West part.
Rare Monster No. 41/80
Name : Aerieel (294)
HP : 3015
EX : 126
LP : 3
Weak : Holy
Drops : Golden Armor, Bat Fang
Steal : Bat Wing
Poach : Taurus Gem
Original : Vampyr
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Lhusu Mines
Appearance : Kill all monster in second section from Bhujerba, exit and
re-enter if it doesn’t show up.
Rare Monster No. 42/80
Name : Anubys (296)
HP : 19333
EX : 653
LP : 11
Weak : Holy
Drops : Engage Blood/Ensanguined Trophy
Steal : Vampyr Fang
Original : Abysteel
Rare Rank : *
Location : Sochen Cave Palace
Appearance : In the five ways section, like how you unlock the hidden treasure,
run the whirl from East of the waterfall area to the central of
waterfall area. It’s in the hidden treasure room.
Rare Monster No. 43/80
Name : Barmuu (298)
HP : 9200
EX : 400
LP : 4
Weak : Wind
Drops : Solid Stone
Steal : Lamia’s Tiara
Poach : Quality Stone
Original : Facer
Rare Rank : ***
Location : Tomb of Raithwall
Appearance : Main Corridor just after Demon Wall area, get certain chain combo
from killing the bats there, it will appear around the teleport.
Rare Monster No. 44/80
Name : Vishno (300)
HP : 78800
EX : 2282
LP : 13
Weak : Holy
Drops : Solid Stone, Orichalcum, Ribbon (very rare)
Steal : Damascus Steel, Orichalcum
Original : Deidar
Rare Rank : **
Location : Pharos at Ridorana
Appearance : Kill certain amount of Kodja and Deidara, it will appear in 48F.
Rare Monster No. 45/80
Name : Etherian (302)
HP : 33056
EX : 1262
LP : 11
Weak : Fire
Drops : Green Liquid, Silver Liquid
Steal : Ame-no-Murakumo
Poach : Unpurified Ether
Original : Jelly
Rare Rank : **
Location : Cerobi Steppe
Appearance : Northern Hill, appear after killing all enemies.
Rare Monster No. 46/80
Name : Melt (304)
HP : 61550
EX : 2198
LP : 13
Weak : Ice
Drops : Engage Gel/Slime Trophy
Steal : Hastega Mote
Original : Hecteyes
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Henne Mines
Appearance : Pithead Junction B, press the switch there to make it appear.
Rare Monster No. 47/80
Name : Cubus (306)
HP : 33000
EX : 1421
LP : 11
Weak : Water
Drops : Green Liquid, Holy Mote
Steal : Silver Liquid
Original : Oiling
Rare Rank : **
Location : Sochen Cave Palace
Appearance : North from the boss battle arena, before the elevator,
kill all enemies in that section and wait it.
Rare Monster No. 48/80
Name : Pineapple (308)
HP : 4700
EX : 217
LP : 3
Weak : Water
Drops : Bomb Ashes, Storm Staff
Steal : Bomb Shell
Poach : Bomb Fragment
Original : Bomb
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Ogir-Yensa
Appearance : Appear randomly in No.1 Petrol area.
Rare Monster No. 49/80
Name : Bombshell (310)
HP : 76110
EX : 2476
LP : 16
Weak : Water
Drops : Yagyuu Darkblade, Bomb Ashes
Steal : Mallet
Original : Grenade
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Lhusu Mines
Appearance : Appear randomly at the Lasche Span. But before you can get here,
you must obtain the Site 3 key for starting the Antlion Mark Hunt
mission, then find the Site 11 key in Phon Coast after completing
it. The Site 11 key is in the hunters’ camp section where the
Gate Crystal is.
Rare Monster No. 50/80
Name : Megabomb (312)
HP : 4800
EX : 215
LP : 3
Weak : Water
Drops : Bomb Ashes, Bomb Shell
Steal : Bomb Fragment
Poach : Scorpio Gem
Original : Balloon
Rare Rank : ***
Location : Nam-Yensa Sandsea
Appearance : Queen’s Treatment Desert, it’s a bit West from the central of the
map. Get chain combo around 20 from killing the Wultan Yensa
Rare Monster No. 51/80
Name : Matriarch Bomb (314)
HP : 12500
EX : 565
LP : 7
Weak : Water
Drops : Bomb Ashes, Bomb Shell
Steal : Scorpio Gem
Poach : Bomb Fragment
Original : Mom Grenade
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Stillshrine of Miriam
Appearance : In Defend Of Sword King which is the | |
corridor at West from Save Crystal | |___
(go bottom from Save Crystal), go a | ___ -> Save
bit South from the junction and wait | | Crystal
there. After awhile the secret stairs Secret X |
to West open up, just follow the stair Stairs | |
till you get to the last area, this | |
monster is there. If it doesn’t show
up, just kill all other enemies there,
exit and re-enter (Note: Once you step into last area, your
characters will be sent Berserk and Confuse status.)
Rare Monster No. 52/80
Name : Ripe Rampager (316)
HP : 380
EX : 8
LP : 2
Weak : Fire
Drops : Pebble, Calot Hat
Steal : Screamroot
Poach : Four-leaf Clover
Original : Mandragora
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Dalmasca Estersand
Appearance : Labyrinth section, defeat two Flower Saboten.
Rare Monster No. 53/80
Name : Killbug (318)
HP : 29030
EX : 1044
LP : 12
Weak : Wind
Drops : Engage Mimic/Metallic Trophy
Steal : Knot of Rust
Original : Mimic
Rare Rank : ****
Location : Ozmone Plains
Appearance : Central section where connected to Zertinan Cavern, randomly
appear as treasure. It’s pretty huge treasure, you can notice
it easliy.
Rare Monster No. 54/80
Name : Mini Bug (320)
HP : 16500
EX : 389
LP : 12
Weak : Wind
Drops : Zeus Mace
Steal : Wrath Of The Gods
Original : Tiny Mimic
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Barheim Passage
Appearance : Appear randomly at East-West Bypass.
Rare Monster No. 55/80
Name : Ithuno (322)
HP : 23212
EX : 904
LP : 11
Weak : Holy
Drops : Iron Ore, Iron Scraps
Steal : Deathbringer
Original : Mimeo
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Barheim Passage
Appearance : 5th Maintenance section, appear randomly as treasure.
Rare Monster No. 56/80
Name : Kris (324)
Drops : Engage Smell/Odiferous Trophy
Steal : Putrid Liquid
Original : Malboro
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Tchita Uplands
Appearance : East or South East from Gate Crystal, appear randomly while
fighting with other Malboro.
Rare Monster No. 57/80
Name : Dheed (326)
Drops : Engage Wing/Leathern Trophy
Steal : Mirage Vest
Original : Wyvern
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Mosphoran Highwaste
Appearance : Appears randomly at West from the Gate Crystal section.
Rare Monster No. 58/80
Name : Aeros (328)
EX : 733
LP : 5
Drops : Wyvern Fang, Crooked Fang
Steal : Wyvern Wing
Poach : Ashura
Original : Aeronite
Rare Rank : **
Location : Ozmone Plains
Appearance : North area of The Shred (South-East), appear lately after
defeating rare monster No. 04/80, Bull Croc.
Rare Monster No. 59/80
Name : Terror Tyrant (330)
Drops : Engage Scale/Hide-covered Trophy
Steal : Scathe Mote
Original : Wild Saurian
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Dalmasca Eastersand
Appearance : Northern most section, randomly replace anyone of the Wildsaurus.
Rare Monster No. 60/80
Name : Abelisk (332)
LP : 13
Drops : Engage Reptile/Reptilian Trophy
Steal : 8-fluted Pole
Original : Archaeosuar
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Ridorana Cataract
Appearance : Appears randomly in second section from Airship Angle.
Rare Monster No. 61/80
Name : Dustia (334)
LP : 3
Drops : Flame Staff, Book of Orgain
Steal : Book of Orgain-Mille
Poach : Capricorn Gem
Original : Oversoul
Rare Rank : ***
Location : Dalmasca Westersand
Appearance : North section just before to Dragon’s Lair. It will show up when
anyone of your main team within lower HP/Critical status.
Rare Monster No. 62/80
Name : Ishteen (336)
LP : 11
Drops : Engage Skull/Bony Trophy
Steal : Soul of Thamasa
Original : Reaper
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Barheim Passage
Appearance : Appear randomly at East-West Bypass or Zaviah Span.
Rare Monster No. 63/80
Name : Vorres (338)
Drops : Engage Hell/Gravesoil Trophy
Steal : Soul Powder
Original : Gazer
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Necrohol of Nabudis
Appearance : East section, the corridor in front of the room that you fight
with Fury optional boss. Find a Dark Element and lure it to attack
you only will this monster show up.
Rare Monster No. 64/80
Name : Negalmuur (340)
LP : 7
Drops : Dark Stone, Vanishga Mote, Book of Orgain
Steal : Capricorn Gem
Poach : Book of Orgain-Mille
Original : Nightwalker
Rare Rank : *
Location : Stillshrine of Miriam
Appearance : In Defend Of Sword King which is the corridor at West from Save
Crystal (go bottom from Save Crystal), kill all enemies there,
exit and re-enter. Sometimes those giants enemies will spawn
again, make sure clear all of them.
Rare Monster No. 65/80
Name : Larva Eater (342)
Drops : Danjuro, Demon Eyeball
Steal : Scorpio Gem
Original : Gargoyle
Rare Rank : *
Location : Crystal Grande/The Great Crystal
Appearance : Inside Crystal Grande, area near the Way Stone XIII, XIV, XVI
platform, get certain amount of chain combo (over 20) from killing
Necrophoba, it will show with Forbidden at XIII or XIV platform.
Recommend try at Way Stone XIII, when you’ve chained Necrophoba,
Forbidden will show up and a chance to encounter this rare monster
with the Forbidden. Leave for other platforms if it’s not here,
but not using the Way Stone. It has a rare appearance at many
other Way Stone area as well, check this map to explore,
(check the second link if the first link doesn’t work)
This is not rare actually, but problem is everytime you enter this place,
it will only show in one of several areas that listed above, so if you get
wrong area, you wouldn’t found it no matter how much you chained to Necrophoba.
Rare Monster No. 66/80
Name : Arioch (344)
Drops : Engage Fancy/Vengeful Trophy
Steal : Sage’s Ring
Original : Gargoyle Baron
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Nabreus Deadlands
Appearance : South from the Gate Crystal, appear after you have killed all
enemies there.
Rare Monster No. 67/80
Name : Fideliant (346)
LP : 3
Drops : Heavy Lance, Bone Fragment
Steal : Capricorn Gem, Bone Fragment
Poach : Broken Spear
Original : Dark Skeleton
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Dalmasca Westersand
Appearance : Central of the map, the broken area, appear randomly.
Rare Monster No. 68/80
Name : Crystal Knight (348)
Drops : Engage Flame/Skull Trophy
Steal : Glimmering Robes
Original : Crusader
Rare Rank : *
Location : Crystal Grande/The Great Crystal
Appearance : Inside Crystal Grande, push the switch of Gate Sagittarius then
back to teleport XX platform within the time limit will see it.
Rare Monster No. 69/80
Name : Grave Lord (350)
Drops : Bone Fragment, Diamond Helm
Steal : Death’s-Head
Poach : Blood-darkened Bone
Original : Dark Lord
Rare Rank : ***
Location : Golmore Jungle
Appearance : South section just before to Feywood, kill all monsters and follow
with undead enemies, it will appear around the central.
Rare Monster No. 70/80
Name : Zombie Lord (352)
Drops : Engage Soul/Soulless Trophy
Steal : Close Helm
Original : Forbidden
Rare Rank : ****
Location : Tomb of Raithwall
Appearance : In North section where you switch the Orange stone to open the
secret passage, search the East area. It’s appear randomly while
you fighting with other Zombie Mazes.
Rare Monster No. 71/80
Name : Drowned (354)
LP : 11
Drops : Scathe Mote, Foul Flesh
Steal : Forbidden Flesh
Original : Ghoul
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Garamsythe Waterway
Appearance : 4th Maintenance Waterway, appear randomly after kiiling
all monsters. Must close the No.4 and 11 waterway.
Rare Monster No. 72/80
Name : Velelu (356)
Drops : Foul Flesh, Save The Queen
Steal : Capricorn Gem
Original : Banshee
Rare Rank : ***
Location : Nabreus Deadlands
Appearance : West from the Gate Crystal, before the rotate shape section.
Go South from the Gate Crystal, then North-West to the hidden
path can reach there. Appear randomly when anyone below 20% HP.
Rare Monster No. 73/80
Name : Disma (358)
LP : 18
Drops : Engage Dead/Accursed Trophy
Steal : Minerva Bustier, Mirage Vest
Original : Zombie Warlock
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Lhusu Mines
Appearance : Appear randomly at North of No.6 Mines.
Rare Monster No. 74/80
Name : Ancbolder (360)
LP : 7
Drops : Engage Brain/Mind Trophy
Steal : Forbidden Flesh
Original : Striker
Rare Rank : **
Location : Paramina Rift
Appearance : Kill all enemies in Karydine Glacier at South-East,
exit and re-enter. It’s random.
Rare Monster No. 75/80
Name : Wendice (362)
Drops : Engage Fear/Frigid Trophy
Steal : Gemini Gem
Original : Wendigo
Rare Rank : ***
Location : Sochen Cave Palace
Appearance : Circle area with a cross, also North from the five ways section.
Get certain amount of chain combo from killing the Wendigos there,
appear in the central.
Rare Monster No. 76/80
Name : Anchag (364)
LP : 11
Drops : Festering Flesh, Obelisk
Steal : Damascus Steel
Poach : Forbidden Flesh
Original : Dullahan
Rare Rank : **
Location : Paramina Rift
Appearance : Kill all enemies in Karydine Glacier at South-East,
exit and re-enter. It’s random.
Rare Monster No. 77/80
Name : Bluesang (366)
Drops : Engage Sad/Cruel Trophy
Steal : Damascus Steel
Original : Dullahan
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Cerobi Steppe
Appearance : North from the Save Crystal, appear randomly around that two
windmills there.
Rare Monster No. 78/80
Name : Avenger (368)
Drops : Engage Criminal/Vile Trophy
Steal : Muramasa
Original : Bune
Rare Rank : *****
Location : Pharos at Ridorana
Appearance : Second Ascent, appear randomly in 63F North-West area around
the stair.
Rare Monster No. 79/80
Name : Alteci (370)
LP : 11
Drops : Engage Eagle/Fell Trophy
Steal : Behemoth Steak
Original : Behemoth
Rare Rank : ***
Location : Zertinan Cavern
Appearance : South-West from the Save Crystal, get certain amount of chain
combo from killing Melissa.
Rare Monster No. 80/80
Name : Urutan Exile (372)
Drops : Earth Stone, Osafune
Steal : Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
Original : Urutan Exile
Rare Rank : **
Location : Ogir-Yensa
Appearance : No.2 Petrochemical Works (which leads to Nam-Yensa), get chain
from other Urutan Yensa up to 100 combos only it will show,
near the Nam-Yensa area.
Weapons and Armours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excalibur (Sword 2h)::::
First, buy a Diamond Armlet in Dalmasca Eastersand /south bank.
Get lvl 70+:
Real site:
if the link doesnt work, here it is =)
Once you click in the Way stone (still in geruvegan), you will get into the VIII stone. Once there, go to Scorpio and touch the Stone there. After, go to way stone IX and you will be teleported to the way stone V as shown on the map.
Now you will go straight to the Sagitarius stone and once touched, go imidiactly to the XX way stone. When you reach there, you need to touch in the S2 Wall before the time runs out, and go to XII way stone. You are now in XIV way stone, and head to 5 (where is our Excalibur). When you reach there, open the chest with the Diamond Armlet equiped.
Note: If you after opening the first chest, can't see a second chest, that's because you arent receiving the Excalibur. Go 3 rooms behind and come back to make the chest spawns.
PS_You can only obtain 1 Excalibur
Zodiac Spear (2h)::::
1 way:
There are four areas of treasure chests that are connected to the Zodiac Spear, and if any of them are opened, the spear will not appear.
(1) In the "low town" directly in front of old Dalan's place.
(2) The treasure coffers in the cellars' southeast corner.
(3) The treasure coffers in the Confiscatory. This is after you recover your lost equipment in the Nalbina dungeons.
(4.1) There are 16 treasure chests at the eastern point of Vaddu Strand (Phon Coast Region). If you have opened any of the previous chests, you only receive Gil. But the Zodiac Spear bestows 150 attack and 8 evasion.
(4.2) In Necrohol Nabudis go there after Silikawood in low level
(-40level), go to the cloister of the highborne zone and there is one room with 16 chests, pick the middle chest and you will receive the spear.
2 way:
You need first complete the 2nd part of hennes mines (in Part1/2 of this blog).Go to Dalmasca eastersand/south Bank and buy a Diamond Armlet. You need to try your luck in Henne Mines/Phase 2 Dig.
PS_You can get 99 Zodiac Spears.
Masamune(Katana 2h)::::
Masamune can be earn after you defeat twice Gilgamesh ("Battle in big Bridge" hunt), and return to Montblank, the leader of clan in Rabanastre.
Sagittarius(Bow + requires arrows (2h))::::
Bazaar Loot Needed:-
-Sagittarius Gem x [4]
-Beastlord Horn x [3]
-Moon Ring x [3]
=Sagittarius Gem=
Obtain By: First steal and when you receive 1 item, kill.
Mob: Slime
Location: Zertinan Caverns/Canopy of clay (The best, with 50% drop/Steal)
=Beastlord Horn=
Obtain By: Drop
Mob: Humbaba
Location: Mosphoran Highwaste/Northern Skirts
=Moon Ring=
Obtain By: Drop
Mob: Ash Wyrm
Location: Mosphoran Highwaste. First do the Exodus Sper. When you complete it, go to it's place and an Ash wyrm is respawning.
Danjuro(Dagger 1h)::::
Once again, you need the map.
Real site:
if the link doesnt work, here it is =)
Starting from Waystone XIV, I went up to the platform with the Leo Gate Switch (LGS), and down to the platform with the Leo Gate (LG), chaining necrofiends until I hit around 221-ish. During this time I killed every last Necrofiend in the LGS platform, to the point that they would no longer respawn. I kept going down to the XIV waystone to reset the LG platform to get more mobs to kill, and after a 221-chain the Larvae Eater spawned, so i stopped short of 255. It's worth noting, however, that I have chained 255 previously to get the Larvae Eater to spawn for the first time.
After killing the Larvae Eater (no drop this time), I ran through LGS to LG to reset the Waystone platform. I then returned to the Waystone platform, and checked for LE. Since he wasn't there, I walked up to the Waystone/LGS zone border, and zoned back and forth for around 5-10 minutes by holding down on the analog stick with a rubber band, while I was browsing these forums.
Once 5-10 minutes had gone by, I stopped zoning, and checked the Waystone again, and lo and behold, there was a Larvae Eater. Kill (again, no drop), and run back to LG to reset the zone.
Lather, Rinse, Repeat. I just killed 5 LE's in about half an hour. Unfortunately, so far none of them have dropped anything, but I'm going to keep at it. Keep in mind that you don't have to kill anything in between LE kills, so you are chaining LE, which means eventually you will start going up in chain levels and will reach the increased drop % that people have suggested the bomb method yields.
PS_You can obtain 99.
Genji Armor::::
Accept the hunt from Rabanastre Clan from the leader Montblank.
From the first "battle in the big bridge":
Steal:Genji shield
Steal:Genji goutlets
From the secound "Battle in the big bridge":
Steal:Genji Helm
Steal:Genji armor
Side Quests AND Optional Bosses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bhujerban Madhu::::
After you've gotten the Dawn Shard if you visit Bhujerba you'll hear bits about a famous liquor called Bhujerban Madhu that's in short supply and high demand. You can get 1000 gil per bottle if you sell to the right buyers. So, that's exactly what you're going to do. There are bottles located all over Bhujerba and there's guaranteed to be a buyer in the same area you find a bottle. However, keep in mind that you don't have to sell only one bottle to a buyer - they'll pay the same price for each bottle they can get. The following list will give you the location, its bottle, and its buyer.
MAIT'S MAGICKS: Bottle - with other bottles on table in higher level of shop. Buyer - Bhujerban Guru next to table with bottle.
TARGE'S ARMS: Bottle - in corner between weapons cases on second level. Buyer - Woman speaking with sitting man on ground level.
RITHIL'S PROTECTIVES: Bottle - in a cabinet near the clerk's counter. Buyer - Old Shop Clerk near counter.
BHUJERBAN AERODOME: Bottle - On some luggage in waiting area. Buyer - Man sitting on rail directly across from bottle.
CLIO'S TECHNICKS: Bottle - In box between counter and stairs. Buyer - Shop clerk standing in middle of shop.
BASHKETI'S GAMBITS: Bottle - On bookshelf in upper level. Buyer - Seeq shop clerk on same level.
CLOUDBORNE: Bottle - On table closest to the bar. Buyer - Magu, seeq sitting in alcove between exits.
STARAS RESIDENCE: Bottle - Tucked between dressers to right of entrance. Buyer - Niray, in middle of home (only if you've completed Antlion hunt).
TRAVICA WAY: Bottle - On the street next to Street Kid at southeast end. Buyer - Guy leaning on wall across from magick shop.
KHUS SKYGROUNDS: Bottle - On box with moogle next to street vendor. Buyer - Woman leaning on rail across from street vendor.
MINER'S END: Bottle - On crates next to gambit shop. Buyer - Miner at southeast end talking to moogle.
CLOUDBORNE ROW: Bottle - On stacked boxes in alley below Staras Residence.
KAFF TERRACE: Bottle - Next to seeq at top of stairs. Buyer - woman near edge left from base of stairs.
LHUSU SQUARE: Bottle - On edge of pool before entrance to the mines. Buyer - Miners near seeq street vendor.
Pilika's diary::::
First, complete "cry of it's power" hunt by the pititioner Pilika. Next talk to Pilika and he will ask you to find his diary in the Tecnicks Shop/2nd floor.
Note:If you can't get into the secound floor, use Merchant's Armband.
Viera Matchmaking::::
This sidequest is available after you have spoken with the Garif Elder in Jahara. In Rabanastre you should find a Viera near the chocobo stables at Southgate. She tells you she is looking for her soulmate. You may previously spoken with a Lovestruck Man near the fountain in Southern Plaza. Speak with him and he tells of his admiration for the viera whom he says has gone to East End. She's really in North End in the gambits shop. Find her and speak with her again. She says something about finding a drink and leaves. Now go to the Sandsea's second floor where you'll find her again. Speak with her and she'll ask if you know anybody who likes her. Next, run back to the Southern Plaza and talk with the Lovestruck Man one more time. Now go back to the Sandsea and tell the Viera about the man. Now that you've successfully hooked them up look for the pair at the fountain in the Southern Plaza. Speak with them and they'll give you a Loxley Bow, and 2 Hi-Potions.
Earth tyrant extermination (Optional Boss)::::
Speak with the Garif elder in jahara to make this minigame avaible, after talk to Rimzat at Rabanastre's West Gate and agree to help him. Proceed to the Southern Plaza and speak to Cotze, who happens to be sitting on the fountain. He then tells you seek out Northon in Lowtown's Northsprawl.
After speaking to Northon, head to the secluded section of the Windtrace Dunes in Dalmasca Westersand. (The area can be accessed by taking the northwest exit from Shimmering Horizons.) There, examine the Dynast Cactoid on the lower-left section of the area to find a "Wind Globe".
Return to the West Gate and speak to Rimzat, Cotze or Northon to get a
"Windvane". Now go to the Wyrm's Nest area in Dalmasca Westersand to face Earth Tyrant.
Urutan Eater (Optional Boss)::::
Location: The Nam Yensa Sandsea (The Sandscale Bank)
How to find: In order to find the Urutan Eater, you needed to accept killing
it from talking to the Moogle near the beginning of the area. Urutan Yensas
help by attacking the Urutan Eater. I recommend casting Blind on him, so
he's able to hit your characters less. Otherwise, just keep attacking him
normally. His defence is high, but keep healing your characters and you'll
win the battle.
Special Note: Ater you've defeat the Urutan Eater, go speak with the Moogle
you talked to earlier and after some events will occur. Pick the flowers to
make the boss "Garuda", much easier.
Demon Wall(Optional Boss)::::
How to find: From the entrance Waystone into the Tomb, head south. You've
probably passed the first Demon Wall on your playthrough. Return to fight
him, note this is the first Demon Wall you've ever seen, not the storyline
mode forced second one.
He uses identical attacks as the other Demon Wall. The worst thing that can
happen is if a character gets "X-Zoned", by "Telega", a spell The Demon Wall
likes to use to remove one of your characters from fighting. Otherwise, it
should actually be an easy battle if you're overleveled.
Bomb King(Optional Boss)::::
How to find: Simply head north of the orange Save Crystal in The Salikawood.
To find the Save Crystal head near the Northwestern part of The Salikawood.
Fury and Humbata(Optional Bosses)::::
Make the 3 medallions of Necrohol of Nabudis to obtain the medallions for the doors.
Phoenix(Optional Boss)::::
How to find: After you've completed the events at The Pharos At Ridorana,
return. You'll see an elevator to the east of a Waystone, take it to The
Penumbra. Basically, you're on one of four Subterra levels in The Pharos At
Ridorana, but you can't head lower than the Penumbra section of the Subterra
just yet. Phoenix is found in the northern part of the Penumbra. Go to the
northeast corner and look for a door. Enter it to find a very dark area.
Kill all monsters you see on the way for an easier time, if you can't handle
them leave and level up a few more levels. Look around for a fake room, and
follow the path it leads to. Open some ancient doors you find, and you
should be in another room ready to fight this boss.
Hell Wyrm(Optional Boss)::::
How to find: You'll need to do another boring side quest in order to be able
to fight with Hell Wyrm. Before you can do anything, you must've completed
the "Vyraal" mark hunt to get a Dragon Scale. Once you have the Dragon
Scale, you need to head to Cerobi Steppe (Located north of The Port at
Balfonheim, or east of The Tchita Uplands), and look for windmill #10. You
can find the numbers for each windmill by examining each one. Windmill #10
is located in the most northeastern portion of Cerobi Steppe. A man
should come out, and aparantly he wanted to see/research the Vyraal. If you
give him the Dragon Scale from the Vyraal, he'll give you an Ageworn Key,
used for acess to the area where the Hell Wyrm is found.
Omega(Optional Boss)::::
Once again, you need the map.
Real site:
if the link doesnt work, here it is =)
How to find: You'll need to go through a long trek through The Great
Crystal to fight this boss. Be at least above level 85 to ensure you won't
die. You also need to have at least accepted the Yiazmat hunt.
Note: I recommend you use this with the map of the Great Crystal on GameFAQs,
it's harder to do without it and it gets confusing without using the map.
From Waystone IX, take the teleporter to Waystone XX. Take
one of the two paths that are right of Sag. Gate II. Head to a dead end for
the alter that deactivates a Seg gate. Deactivate Sag. Gate II. Take the
path there to Waystone XII. Take Waystone XII to Waystone XIV. Head right to
another platform, then go straight to the Leo alter that deactivates a
Leo gate. Head back to Waystone XIV and take the path you didn't take. From
that platform head up, then go right, then go left, then slightly right to
Leo Gate II, and unseal it quickly. Take any path from there to get to
Waystone XV, and use it to get to Waystone XVI. Go straight/middle path
to go to a Libra Alter, and go left from there to unseal a Libra II Gate.
Head left, then straight, then straight again to find a Capricorn Alter.
Activate it and head back to the Waystone XVI, then head to the right path
(left in your direction), to unseal a Capricorn Gate I. Go in and find an
Alter that unlocks a Virgo path, then head to the Libra Gate II, but take
the Virgo Gate I opposite to it on the platform, then head in its direction
and take a left to Waystone XVII. Use it to get to Waystone XVIII, go
save at the save crystal if you want to, and head left to the Aquarius
Alter. Now, head to the Libra Gate II, and head straight to the platform
next to it, then head right to an Aquarius Gate I. Go to the platform
before that, and get straight instead of right and go to the Capricorn
Alter and run to Libra Alter (go backwards from where you are two
platforms, then head left), then from the Libra Alter head left and unseal
Capricorn Gate II. We're almost done.
Head to Aquarius Gate I, which from where you stand now, head backwards,
right, left, and right, then go to the Taurus Alter. Unseal it, and
quickly run to Capricorn Gate II, from where you stand is backwards, left,
right, left. Then head past where Capricorn Gate II was and head straight
past it, then unseal the Taurus Gate I, and turn right. The next few paths
are pretty linear, so just keep taking the Waystones until the numbers of
them keep getting higher and higher. If you can't attack him, he's sleeping
and you need to (sadly) retreat and accept the Yiazmat hunt. If you have
the Japanese version, you MAY have to defeat all Espers in the game, but
I'm not sure, but you should defeat all Espers just in case, as it's a very
long trek.
Found at the Zertinan Caverns.No MP gambits and other undead specific gambits work well. Quickening Chains should work too.
Must complete the 3 medallions of the Necrohol of Nabudis quest and defeat the Medallion of love and Medallion of Brave bosses to gain the Medallion of Might to acess the middle door.
First, buy 3 Black Belts and 3 Renewing Morion from the Center Lowtown seller and get the Sluice Key to gain access to the flooded areas in the Garamsythe Waterways:
1- Start by Closing the No.3 and No.10 controls in the Central Waterway Control
2- Go in the No.3 Cloaca Spur and use the No.1 South Waterway Control at the end
3- Go back to the Central Waterway Control and open the No.3 and No.10
4- Close No.4 and No.11 then go trhough the No.4 Cloaca Spur and use the No.1 North Waterway Control
5- Got back to the Central Waterway Control again open No.11 and No.3 and close No.4 and No.3
6- Go through the No.1 Cloaca and find the boss at the low point on the south end. Save your game before going into the battle.
Must complete the Floatweed quest to gain access to the area of the Mosphoran Highwaste where Exodus is hidden
Must complete the Stone of the Condemner quest to gain access to the locked area at The Stillshrine of Miriam
Must complete the Great Crystal quest to find Ultima on the higher tiers of the Great Crystal
Found at the The Barheim Passage, second mission (need a key to enter, obtained on the Dantro's Wife sidequest). Undead, surrounds itself with more undead that are immune to Raise, flees the battle if you don't kill it fast. No MP gambits, plenty of healing items and other undead specific gambits work well. Quickening Chains should work too. Save often and go with a full inventory.
The hidden Stilshrine of Miriam room::::
Go to the SOUTH way stone of the Stilshrine of Miriam/Ward of Measure(Not the DustShard if you are still in that part of story) When you are at the Stilshrine of Miriam/Ward of the sword king, go south, pass the Blood Gigas(South ones, not the east ones) Kill the purple horse, and before you go down the stairs, hug the right side wall).
CLAN RANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Clan Rank----------Marks-----Clan Points---------Reward
-Moppet----------------/---------------7-----------3 Potions
-Hedge Knight----------2-------------700-----------2 Warp Motes, 2 Teleport Stones
-Rear Guard------------4-----------8,000-----------3 Remedies, 2 Teleport Stones
-Vanguard--------------8----------20,000-----------3 Hi-Potions, 2 Teleport Stones
-Headhunter-----------10----------30,000-----------2 Ethers, 2 Teleport Stones
-Ward of Justice------12----------40,000-----------2 X-Potions, 2 Teleport Stones
-Brave Companion------14---------100,000-----------2 Hi-Ethers, 3 Teleport Stones
-Riskbreaker----------16---------200,000-----------2 Elixirs, 3 Teleport Stones
-Paragon of Justice---24---------250,000-----------High Arcana, 3 Teleport Stones
-High Guardian--------28---------300,000-----------Empyreal Soul, 3 Teleport Stones
-Knight of the Round--32---------500,000-----------2 Megalixirs, 3 Teleport Stones
-Order of Ambrosia----45-------1,000,000-----------Centurio Hero's Badge, 3 Teleport Stones
Archades info enchange!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First of all, before making the enchange info in Archades, make sure to talk to every NPC you can, to make it easier. And this is easy, because, there are always pairs of two people for only one info enchange (One person who you start to enchange and other who just awaits for the info):
Person #1------------Person #2
Reminiscing Lady---->> Family-minded Girl
Avid Traveler---->> Traveling Gentleman
Daughter-in-Law---->> Man from Giza
Look-Alike---->> Look-Alike
Taelnted Woman---->> Akademician
Ardent Woman---->> Ardent Man
Proud Mother---->> Tutor
Poor Husband---->> Poor Wife
Would-be Judge---->> Judge's Wife
Person #1--------Person #2
Boutiquere---->> Moneyed Gentleman
Farce-Goer---->> Girl on a Errand
Music Appreciator---->> Lutenist
Perceptive Man---->> Historian
Smitten Woman---->> Smitten Man
Builder---->> Artistan Architect
Person #1---------Person #2
Dangerous Chef---->> Philosopher of Cuisine
Lazy Profiteer---->> Researcher's Wife
Vegetble Seller---->> Greenseller
Good Brother---->> Waiting Woman
Tarot Reader---->> Happy Novelist
Romantic Lady---->> Lucky Man
Bhujerban Lady---->> Your Leader
Person #1----------Person #2
Ex-Researcher---->> Determined Researcher
Aspiring Starlet---->> Faded Star
Worried Husband---->> Materialistic Woman
Senior Researcher---->> Failed Researcher
Athletic Woman---->> Avid Reader
Gentleman Onlooker---->> Eager Crier
Sky Pirate's Den Figurines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ashe----------->Exempler----------------->Raised the party's avarage level above 50
Ba'Gamnan------>Scrivener---------------->Completed the Bestiary
Balthier------->Assault Striker---------->Attacked over 300 times
Basch---------->Blood Dancer------------->Defeated more then 500 foes
Behemoth King-->Lord of the Kings-------->Defeated the Behemoth King
Belias--------->High Summoner------------>Obtained 13 Espers
Carrot--------->Freshmaker--------------->Defeated Carrot
Chocobo-------->Waytarer----------------->Took over 50,000 steps
Crystal-------->Runeweaver--------------->Learned every Magick
Deathgaze------>Eagle eye---------------->Defeated Deathgaze
Fafnir--------->Wyrnslayer--------------->Defeated Fanir
Fran----------->Speelbringer------------->Cast Magicks over 200 times
Gabranth------->Mist Walker-------------->Performed every Concurrence
Gilgamesh------>Master Swordsman--------->Defeated Glgamesh twice
Gurdy---------->Spendthrift-------------->Spent more than 1,000,000 gil
Hell Wyrm------>Radiant Savior----------->Defeated Hell Wyrm
Migelo--------->Piravteer---------------->Sold over 1,000 pieces of loot
Mimic---------->Collector---------------->Obtained rare goods on the bazaar
Montblanc------>The Unrelenting---------->Completed a 50-chain in battle
Old Dalan------>Cartographer------------->Fully explored every map
Penelo--------->Pluntderer--------------->Aquired over 100,000 gil
Rasler--------->Conqueror---------------->Learned every License
Reks----------->Record Breaker----------->Obtained over 500,000 Clan Points
Trickstar------>Sharpshooter------------->Defeated Trickstar
Ultima--------->Fell Angel--------------->Defeated Ultima
Vaan----------->Master Thief------------->Stole successfully over 50 times
Vayne---------->Premier Prestidigitator-->Used Technicks over 100 times
Vossler-------->Jack-of-All-Trades------->Learned every Technicks
Yiazmat-------->Hunter Extraordinaire---->Defeated Yiazmat
Since leveling in Final fantasy is so boring and dificult (We need actually to go lvl by ourselves) so im providing some cool things in here:
Fast Experience Points:::::
In Henne Mines it is. The red circle, it's the place you are suppose to go. All of the 3 circle places falls infinite jellies, but the diference is:
Red circle--- Falls 8 jellies.
Black circle- Falls only 3 jellies.
Each jelly gives you 1Lp and 380Exp+.
1- Be at least lvl 30+.
2- Make sure to equip the most up to date armor, and buy a long and weak weapond, like a staff, or a rod, something (I also recomend a Holy Rod, get it in Mt. Bur-Omisace vendor).
Also, buy the golden amulet for each character (should be 6 Golden amulets).
3-Make the Gambits like this to all your party characters:
All Characters- Ally: any -raise
--------------- Ally: any -esuna
--------------- Ally: any=confused -Attack (optional)
--------------- Ally: Hp<70% -cura
--------------- Foe: any -break
--------------- Self: Charge
-Raise is to revive the ally if he dies.
-Esuna is to cure from any desease of any ally (Like poison,silence,etc..)
-To attack the confused ally, because who's confused, just will lose time on trying to it on the allies, and to use esuna, just a waste of mana(Here comes the weak and long weapon, this is ment to take off the confuseness, not to kill him)This is an optional gambit^^
-Cura to automactly heal the whole party, not losing time on heal each one of them.
-Break is the only attack we need versus the enemies, just wait for 10 countdown and he dies stoned.
-Charge to get MP when it runs out, don't worry if he fails it, because they will be quite intertained on it.The gambit for charge is like this because, they will be most of the times without MP, no use making Mp<10% and such.
4- Take your command vibration off and put your party more and less near the middle.
5- Go to the cinema, go everywhere you want and they auto-level by themselves, when you come, they will be with some more levels,items, some gil (When you sell the items) and LP's ;) And this is true, actually right now, im having my characters like that while im writting this =P lol
I have took the idea from Youtube, in here :
Details of the Magicks/Time Magicks/Technicks
White Magicks::::::::::::
Name-----LP---MP--Buy place------------------------------------------------Cost
Cura-----30---32--Rabanastre,Bhujerba,Dalmasca Westernsand,Eruyt Village---1500
Raise----30---22--Rabanastre,Bhujerba,Dalmasca Westernsabd,Eruyt Village---1900
Esuna----35---24--Eruyt Village,Mt. Bur-Omisace----------------------------2800
Time Magicks:::::::::::::
Name-----LP---MP--Buy place------------------------------------------------Cost
Break----30---14--Rabanastre,Bhujerba,Dalmasca Westersand------------------900
Name-----LP---MP--Buy place------------------------------------------------Cost
You can find whole of them in this site:
Why buy the most up to date armors?
Because, jellies takes 100 to 200 damage, if you buy the most up to date armor (most likely in Mt. Bur-Omisace) you can take only 0 to 60 damage. If you took that massive damage, characters had most of the time using cura or raise instead of Break.
Why petrify the enemies instead of just killing them?
Petrify is the fastest way, if you plan on killing 1 by 1, we won't do a power leveling and we can't auto level either.
Why do i have to make all those gambits?
Actually its really needed, its also explained above^^
Where can i get those gambits?
Some gambits are bought in Rabanastre(and other places) and others are picked up randomly in the chests all over the worlds.Others are unlockable in the story(But these ones aren't too dificult and besides, i started doing this lvl 30^^)
My characters don't make Break/Cura/etc...what should i do?
First, make the gambits i told in the beginning of this post. Secound, move the break gambit into the first place of the gambit list in one of the party characters. Third, move Cura gambit into the first place of the gambit list in a secound diferent character than earlier you set break. SOmetimes the gambits order interfere with their actions and they lack, but like this, they should do everything.
Why they are using charge all the time?
It's simple. When all other gambits don't occur, they start to spam charge (If any ally hasn't any desease, it's not under 70% Hp, is not dead and all mobs are petrifyed)
WHy their MP is always low?
When their MP is full, the charge will always miss and when Mp is really low, the probabilities of getting sucessfull is 99%.
When they make like 3 or 4 charges in a row, the next charge is a miss.
Why should i put my party more and less in the middle of the "+" map?
Sometimes jellies stop comming when they are very far away of their spawning place(middle).
Why should i buy the golden amulet?And why for all characters?
THe golden amulet is to get double LP.Only equiped with golden amulets characters receives double LP.
I have equiped the golden amulet, but always shows the same LP's in the screen when an enemy is killed?
It always do, the doubled LP is added in the equiped character.
What you mean by double Lp?
Hm...let's see, if you receive 1LP (this is the case), the characters win 2LP.If you get 6LP, the characters win 12LP, and so on.
The maximum number of party members i can get its 3.The other off party characters will receive LP points, even if they are equiped with the golden amulet?