Yello Guys, since the game servers are taking alot to come to USA/EU, follow the instructions above:
(The above was taken from
First you will need to sign up. You can do that here on this link On this page you will see a red lettering sentence. Click that sentence it will lead you to the very easy sign up page. All you need is a valid email and then enter two identical passwords. Go to the email you used and verify your account.
Now you need the installation files for the RU version. You can get them here Click the blue button it will give you a torrent file. You can use any torrent program to download the file. It should take around an hour or so. Once you’re done downloading the files. You want to install the game to the C drive and name it whatever you like. This avoids some errors you get putting it in the programs folder.
Sometimes you will get a visual C error ignore it.
This is especially the case if you already have a version of BNS on the pc. Once the installation is complete. Run the games exe to make the launcher come up and patch. It will open a browser to download Playbns Launcher allow this. That makes the official launcher open. Let this fully patch it will take a while took me two hours sadly. Once that is done make sure it works and log in with your new account. Then log out of the game now that you’re sure it works.
You can download the English patch from here Head to the bottom of the first post and click on the large playbns icon. That will open a new page that will start a download in a few seconds. It’s important the virus scanner is not on. It will eat this file soon as it sees it. Once you have the file place it in the Blade and Soul folder on the C drive. In my case the path was C/Blade and Soul/Bin.
Then start the file it too will patch until it gives you a green light on the bottom right hand side.
Edit: If you can't patch the game with PlayBNS, you need to disable your anti virus firewall and open the file as an admnistrator.
Edit 2: If you have problems applying the English Patch, first, locate where your Client.bin is (example C:\Programs\Blade and Soul\Bin)
Go to User-AppData-Roaming-RengLauncher, and Edit REngLauncher XML file.
In thr 3rd line (Mine is <Folder>C:\Programs\Blade and Soul\bin</Folder>), modify it to <Folder>C:\Programs\Blade and Soul\bin\Client.bin</Folder> and save.
Try again applying the patch and it will work.
If you can't see that folder, go to your windows options, allow to see hidden folders, or simply click on the Log on Launcher settings REngLauncher. If, it still doesn't work, disable "Disable client patching" on the Launcher settings the REngLauncher.
After all before and still doesn't work, that means you are missing the actual game update, and you need to download PlayBns from the website.