How to: Properly upload videos to youtube


Hi guys. These days I was wondering if I could speed up my rendering process, mantaining the video's quality.
Those who watch my youtube videos, if you don't you can check here, know already that I use 2 programs: Mirillis Action! and Sony Vegas.

I made alot of research for the rendering to be faster, but I couldn't get far. Also, I discovered the best rendering option in Sony Vegas, is this: 
-XDCAM->HQ...depends on the resolution you want.
(This process is long but shorter than the others, file size isn't too high and quality is superb)

Edit: I forgot to tell you this important tip: 
To make SOny Vegas rendering more awsome, just go to File - Properties 


and click on: and choose the file you will use to render.

With this, it will adjust the software settings for your current video quality, and the rendering will be nicer =)
If you have more than 1 file with different qualities, choose the best quality and the "worst" ones will be better.

But then I record my gaming and other stuff in Mirillis Action! which uses FICV codec and .AVI files aren't compatible with any converter. You can use those .AVI files directly to Sony Vegas, but each of them has 4GB+ and a video of 40-50mns long takes 2h or more, depends on your computer specs, to render with those files.

SO, to take lesser time:
-use Mirillis Action! exporting tool, converts the file to .MP4; (Each 5GB file takes ~30mns) 
-AND, you can use the converted file with Sony Vegas or directly to youtube to upload.

PS_IF your Mirillies Action! exports corrupt files or less file size than it should be, upgrade your version coz that sucks... 
ALWAYS open these kind of programs as admnistrator or else you get some errors.

Sony Vegas is only a program for edition.
Mirillis Action! is the best recording program I have used: records full screen/windowed games and consumes low CPU process, records also livestream and desktop.
You can also use ->Handbrake converts files to mantain video quality and drasticaly reduces it's size. 

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