Organization Extra Battle Explanations:
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Zexion nº VI Level 40+
-This battle is taken at Olymp Coliseum in the Dead Cave Inner Chamber.
This battle consists in: Zexion send books to catch one of our team allies or even Sora (Sora is the last beeing
caught by his books, probably near the end of the battle, Sora will be always
the first to be caught):
1-> If Sora isn't caught by the
book, Sora will be able to attack Zexion (Taking his HP);
2-> If Sora is caught by the book:
-2.1-> In this part alot of books will appear, you just need to go after "the one" which is Zexion and press Triangle to get out of the book, or sometimes appears an option, which you need to press "unlock". In this part, if
you don't press the right option, you are just making appear some munny, heal
munnies, mana munnies and so on.
--2.2-> When Zexion is running
out of HP, he will deal with you with a diferent game inside the book. The
game consists in following the blue light and when all lights stop you need to
go fastly inside the blue light. If you can get out of this one, you will get
into 2.1 step.
-> My tip is, get between of those three lights, when it's
stoping you will run as quick as you can for the blue
The most dificult part of the battle isn't outside the
book, but inside. Outside, Zexion resumes in trying to catch us by his books
or simply running away of our attacks. So, try to hit him as much as you can
while you are still outside the book.
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Vexen nº IV Level 50+
This is probably the easiest Battle in the game, yet the longest. Vexen is kinda of useless, he uses a shield with low HP and what he only does is keep casting freeze spells to make us busy, and sending an Anti Form, a Sora's Anti Form copy. What he does is collecting Sora's Data, the black circle on the floor, to make the Anti Form copy stronger = + Damage and + HP. If you kill the Anti Form copy, it drops mana munny and sooner or later, it will respawn again. The longer the black circle stays in Sora's feet, more data he collects, so just keep running away from it. When Data goes more than level 3, Vexen has a new end ability that is really strong.
-> My tip, it's to break Vexen's shield to take his HP down, keep running away from the Data circle collector, don't make it go higher than level 3 at all cost and ignore Anti Form Copy. Don't use any Sora's form, because 50% chance to transform is into an Anti Form. Anti Form vs Anti Form leads to a no end fight, and besides, you get alot more damage with it and it's almost impossible for you to revert to heal yourself or use potion, or even get help from Donald and Goofy.
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Lexaeus nº V Level 60+
This battle is taken at Twlight Town in Sandlot.
This battle is pretty easy, you just need to hit him and avoid his powerfull ground attacks, if you have fly or high jump it's easier. During the fight, he will gather power, and more power he has, more damage his attacks will do, so what you need to do is to reach nearby and push triangle command to take that power off.

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Larxene nº XII Level 60+
This battle is taken at Port Royale in the isla de muerta.
Larxene has the power to duplicate herself. No matter how fast you want to be, you can't never catch her, so you must always target Larxene's replics. The bad side of the replic, it's not sure how much longer she will make it stay. Replic receives damage and is Larxene's real Hp.
If you take both replic and Larxene, double damage will be taken.
A special triangle button move will appear if your most attacks are on Larxene's replic.Try to avoid her attacks with the quick run, aero dodge, jump or fly.
(Certain Forms requires the presence of Donald or Goofy, so if you can't see the form you want to use, just let them be on your party);
(To Max up your Drive bar, you can use Drive Boost items or go to Olympus Coliseum, enter into a tournament and when you get out, you will have your Drive Bar maxed).
(Certain Forms requires the presence of Donald or Goofy, so if you can't see the form you want to use, just let them be on your party);
(To Max up your Drive bar, you can use Drive Boost items or go to Olympus Coliseum, enter into a tournament and when you get out, you will have your Drive Bar maxed).
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You need to kill 85 mushroom's IV copies without them touch you. Use Wisdom form lvl 5+ and try to run in circles.

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You need to kill all the mushroom's VI copies within 45 seconds. Use Thundaga and equip Sora with Ether. Use Ether before the mana gauge runs out.