Hello guys.
I'm very intrigued about the story behind this game. I have made my own analysis, I know it probably is not correct or is, I don't know, but I'd like to share it with you and to try to reach an understanding.
Intro video: "...she can dance, she can sing, she is equiped with hydrallion tank to make ballons right at her fingertips, she can take song requests, she can even dispense some icecream..."
So, when we are in the 1st Night, we begin listening a child's voice, saying: "Daddy, why can't I play with her?" When we start playing, everything "seems" under control, we have both Ballora and Foxxy on the stage, but we never see Circus Baby, despite the guy saying it's everything's alright.
Circus Baby
When we are in the Circus' Baby controll room, we hear a girl voice saying "help me" and the guy says she is sad so we use 3 controll shocks. After, she seems happy, by force, as we understand from the guy's voice, saying: "I knew we could count on you".
In the 2nd Night, we hear a child's voice again, saying: "Daddy, you let the other children go see her, why don't you let me go?"
The voice who used to speak with us is different, and we go to check on Ballora and Foxxy again, but this time, she is gone from her stage:
We hear weird voices and stuff around when we shock her.
As well as Foxxy is missing:
And we hear strange voices again and the system gets "stuck"
The guy's voice returns to normal, saying it probably was a problem with the voice syntetizer.
When we go again to Circus's Baby Controll room, the guy's voice say Circus Baby is playing hide and seek and after we shock Circus Baby, it says there is a power malfunction, but we see the same:
When we are under the desk, the one who is looking at us has blue eyes and it's one of the Circus Baby companions (if you die you will see that) the ones who are looking at us, say: "She is watching us". After we hear the same voice of a girl who said "Help me", aproving that Ballora won't return to her stage anymore.
3rd Night the same intro child's voice, saying: "Daddy, let me just once play with her, she is so pretty and shiny, didn't you make her just for me?"
When we go check on Circus baby, a voice says she was on stage once with full of balloons with children and counting them with sums and subtractions, she also mentioned she made an icecream once. The girl voice also mentioned that she was no longer herself when a little girl standed in front of her while she was holding icecream, and she implyed her stomach opened and there was icecream, she stoped moving, there was also screaming for a moment and she hear her sometimes. Before we hand the night, the Foxxy "scare" us and we end up in the 4th night.
In the 4th night, the child, says: "She can make baloons. Have you seen her make ballons? Oh Daddy, let me go for her." And after, we are caged in something, and hear the girl saying: "...I can pretend..." When we see Ballora being scooped.
In the 5th night, the child, says: "Daddy isn't watching." and so in here we see something/someone not recognizable and end up on to finally see Circus Baby...
Theories: Ok, Now, after I resume the important happenings from the whole 5 nights, I will say this:
In the intro cutscene we hear 2 men speaking: One of them is demanding explanations of the engine of the new animatronic and the 2nd one saying what were her abilities.
After, Circus baby was sad maybe thinking about her stuff, but everything else and everyone else were alright. Also, the little girl was still begging for her father to be with "HER". I presume "HER" is Circus Baby and I presume the guy who made her was the guy from the intro cutscene which was the purple guy AND the girl begging was her daughter. So for now, the girl's intro nights is the purple guy's daughter, because in the 3rd night she clearly says "the daddy" made Circus Baby for her.
In the 2nd night things started to be out of hand. Ballora and Foxxy started to be out of stage and in the 4th night we can't see them, also Freedy, except the scooping of Ballora. Also, the babies who acted with Circus Baby had blue eyes...
And in the 5th Night, we see no mask from the "General Module", which lead us to all animatronic rooms.
So, my version of the story is:
Circus baby is sad at the beginning, maybe because she wants to be human, and she is consuming the bodies of the other animatronics, because the Ballora is scooped and foxxy/freedy are gone. She is also helping us for her to escape, that's why she lead us for the Real Ending to get us scooped, but also Circus Baby seems "naked" inside her body in the 5th night. The minigame, where Circus Baby hands her icecream to a little girl, she says something happened when a girl approched her, that happened in the 5th night, where the girl said:"Daddy isn't watching us" and that time, that was what happend in the minigame, Circus Baby devoured the little girl and now she is infused with her. She is helping us to get our body, so she can be "normal", not an animatronic. Also, in the 5th night, when Circus baby says it's Ballora who is lurking in the Funtime Auditorium, it's not, it's her, who got the name of "Ennard" and he got the mask from the "General room" clown.
Circus Baby was the one responsible for the "missing" of everyone in the Pizzaria, coz all animatronics got missing, and even Ennard has the eyes of her babies.
In the Fake Ending, it's a good ending, because "we are the purple guy" and Ennard is the little girl, it's her daughter.
But what intrigues, me most, it's this:
In the Night 4, Ballora get's scooped and has that eyes...
In the Real Ending we see this:
My question is: The game is telling us: we are the purple guy, or are we Ennard or anyone else?