This is only information I could gather and understand from the game. Take note, that this isn't 100% confirmed. I only wanted to share my thoughts with you guys :)
Let's begin.
According to Chapter 5 of the game, I believe there are 2 separate realities:
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This is our normal world reality
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And this is the cartoonish reality
I believe there are 2 realities, because of the scene style, very different from each other.
When everything began - Explanation with pictures
We can explain that Henry was the one who created Bendy, was the one who created "Happy" and "Bendy who play pranks", especially on Boris, and other happy and soft animations we see inside the studio:
This is where was Henry "old" desk. We can see images, explaining that Joey didn't want to create these animations in the first place

Inside Joey's house, we see the ink machine and a picture. The picture probably means Henry became the former animator of these cartoons, so the only animator the studio had was Joey. We hear Joey's niece asking Joey for more stories in the end when showing the portrait:
Inside Joye's house we can also spot this:
Also, judging by Joey's looks and since Henry and Joey were friends, we can pretty much assume Henry could be more and less the same age as Joey.
Joey's personality wasn't the best. He was a man of dreams, a man of belief, but also a man of evil.
When/how the Ink Machine was created - Explanation with pictures
Joey started to build the Ink Machine, upgrading it (having precisely 2 ink machines) and started to ask his employee's items for them to put in the Break Room. Also, animations weren't being finished so we can assume Joey made animations but were not for sale, so after Henry got out of the studio, he never made any more, always selling the same ones were created, that's when the Studio was no longer having profit and got Bankrupt.
Break Room:
This is a confirmation Joey Drew Studio's got bankrupt in the end.
If we associate the items searched on Chapter 1 with Joey Drew Studio's employees' jobs, we can assume:
- Joey Drew (lead animator and founder)
- Henry Stein (co-founder and former animator)
- Wally Franks (janitor)
- Susie Campbell (former voice actress)
- Norman Polk (projectionist)
- Sammy Lawrence (music/song director)
- Shawn Flynn (toymaker)
- Allison Pendle (voice actress)
- Thomas Connor (repairman)
- Grant Cohen (shop/budget keeper)
- Jack Fain (lyricist)
I believe Joey donated the book, Henry donated the ink, Wally Franks donated the gear, Allison donated the Plushie (Since she replaced Susie), Sammy donated the music disk and Thomas donated the wrench.
With all Joey's personality, we add the fact that Joey believes in something else, as we know Joey wrote "The Illusion of living" entitled with his name.
When Ink Machine started to produce people into cartoons - Explanation with pictures
After the item donations and keeping the Ink Machine on, there was a change in the studio.
So, we kinda know how the Ink Machine had a huge impact to the whole people inside the workshop, because of the Ink leak all over the place, is this connected to the start of people becoming Cartoons?
After the tired and angry effect that the all situation produced to the employees, Thomas mentions the sounds of suffering, as "dying dogs", in the pipes and also says he didn't make any more repairs to anything - pipes - Ink Machine, etc...
I believe this was when mostly all employees turned into Ink Creatures
Here is also proof, about Joey trying to create life form figures from the machine.
Joey also mentioned he had thousands of souls to give into the creatures. These souls, he was referring to his employees.
To make this dream a reality, he built an amusement park, in order to make an excuse, to create living creatures. He had the Help of Thomas and Bertrum:
Ink Machine Process - Explanation with pictures
According to Alice Angel, there is a process that the Ink Machine makes:
We can then say, the ink machine turns people into Searchers
Then from searchers turns into Lost Ones or Joey Drew's Cartoons
If a Searcher dies, they return to the puddles and live in them:
I think, there isn't an infinite number of employees', correct? To produce such an amount of searchers, there is a way to revive them somehow, and I believe this:
If Henry can revive with Bendy Statues, Searchers might be using the puddles to be revived.
Revived by what? By the ink machine. I believe the puddles transform them into Ink again and transform back to Searcher or Lost One, if it was like a cycle:
People to Searchers
-Searchers = Die = Puddles
-Puddles = INK
-INK = Searchers
Who revives and who doesn't????
I do believe, only Searchers can be revived. According to in-game scenes, Lost Ones disappear:
Searchers are pulled back to the puddles:
Lost ones die, they disappear:
And all other characters disappear as well, so only searchers have the ability to revive.
Ok, that's really cool, but how their mind works (everyone)?
I think they forget most of the things in the outside world and start to gradually lose consciousness, start to forget. People start to not make sense anymore:
And start to have visions, flashbacks:
So, they end up just to be thoughts:
What about Joey's Cartoons? We may name this for: Bendy, Boris and Alice the Angel.
Who, if most employees become Searchers and Lost Ones, can become those 3 characters?
I DO BELIEVE, these special cartoons (AKA: Bendy, Boris and Alice) can only be people who donated things for the ritual, donated the Gear, Music Disk, Wrench, Bendy Doll, Ink and the Book.
Also, I believe not all people who donated items can all be these special cartoons AND ALSO, people can turn from Searchers to something else AND MODIFY their appearance.
Who is Bendy? (the one we keep seeing during the game) - A soulless ink demon:
Identifying Living Cartoons with people - Explanation with pictures
Since we are in a Cartoonish reality, who is who?
Now it's easy to identify that:
-Searchers are people;
-Lost Ones are also people
-Joey Drew's Cartoons are people who donated items for the ritual.
So, let's go on the list again:
I believe,Joey is Bendy Joey is a Searcher:
According to new evidence, Joey turned himself into a searcher:
In the end we hear Joey whistling and walks in a wheelchair:
This character is given us for free by theMeatly, because in the end, Alice mentions him as Sammy as well.
Susie and Allison are Alice Angel:
At the end of chapter 4, we see 2 Alice Angel:
According to the Audio Logs, this Alice Angel is Susie
And this one is Allison Pendle/Connor
How we determine who is the real Alice Angel?
Susie mentions she was once a Searcher and only in the 2nd time, "it made me an Angel"
In chapter 5, with the Seeing Tool, we can actually see a Halo in Allison's head:

And BAMS, the role was snatched away by someone called Allison. Susie mentions: This gotta be a way to fix this. Joey used Susie to make the first living cartoon.
Susie will to become Alice was so powerful, that she became from a searcher to Alice Angel, but not a perfect one. Also, she mentioned she used other People's insides to make her perfect (So We assume she was not even like this before)
Boris is both Wally and Thomas
I also believe the 1st Boris appearance is Wally and the 2nd one is Thomas.
Wally was the Janitor, he wanders around all the Studio and he knows all the places in it, plus, he seems quite smart in his audio logs:
ALSO there is a small detail. In the end of Chapter 3, Boris was kidnapped by Susie's Alice Angel, and turned him into Brute Boris:
If someone makes the achievement during all chapter's gameplay, you get to see the same Boris as Brute Boris:
The 2nd Boris is also said by Allison's Angel in the game:
Tom is referring to Thomas.
All the other Borises/Butcher Gang were probably manipulated, from Searchers to Boris created by Susie's Angel, to turn her beautiful.
I believe Wally Franks was the real Boris, because Wally Franks had a strong connection with Sammy, for the worst, Boris is the one who enters into sketches of Sheep Song, when Sammy was the one leading the Sheeps into Sleep.
Susie's Angel said: He was the perfect Boris
What about Tom? I think Tom went into the same process of other Borises to turn Susie's Alice perfect, but since he is very well used to engeneering, and maybe got deformed in a way, he created himself a Hand prototype
Who is Henry?
My bet is that Henry can possibly be the true version of Bendy and not a searcher. Why?
-Humans don't fall from such high places without dying or without physical injuries;
-Humans bleed blood, not ink;
-Henry can walk and run through Ink, others can't (except Searchers);
-Humans can't be revived, but Henry can through the Ink Machine:
Since Cartoons can't make difference between other species anymore, we can't tell if Allison's Angel was referring to Henry as Human. Also, Allison could say Henry was a person, so she could at least identify Henry as "someone". If Henry was a searcher, Allison would identify him as one.
If Henry is the real Bendy, why others just say Henry is different?

Bendy is small, has everything's in place and is smiling, but of course, this is only the animation Henry created, in Cartoonish, would look more realistic like others and a bit different. Also, Henry is the creator of Bendy.
As told above, everyone calls the bad Bendy, the Ink Demon so I can presume that they don't even know who Bendy is, except Sammy, that calls The Ink Demon for Bendy.

Since we never see Henry's face and since Henry never realizes his looks, he goes through the Bendies and never states something like: That's me because he doesn't know too.
From Henry's point of view, he seems shorter than other characters (Also, others look at us like they are looking as if we were a child):
There is something peculiar about Sammy's behavior towards Henry. At first, they call Henry as if he was just a sheep ready to die like the rest, called Bendy as his Creator, and even gave offers to Bendy, in order to be freed, but in the end:
So, one thing I can tell is that Henry until the end of Chapter 2, had still a human form, since he also couldn't use the Ink Machine in Chapter 1 (At least he doesn't die).
At this time, Sammy was remembering Henry, from the "real" world. The reason he doesn't remember well, it's because Cartoons start to lose memories of their lives.
So the transformation took place during all Chapters. What I mean, is that Henry wasn't Bendy at the beginning, at least until Chapter 3. As we stated above, Henry now would look like just like Joey: Old.
There is a possibility of Sammy forgetting completely about how Henry was Henry, but it's pretty strange to me, he splicing something like this, he doesn't only think, he states like he is sure.
Susie's Alice also states "Errand Boy". If Henry looked like an old man, would she mention him like this? Or could make a joke like "old man" or any other:
The reason I believe he transformed, was because of the use of the Ink Machine and the constant step into the Ink. As Allison's Angel says:
So YES, I think Henry is the real Bendy.
When everything ends - Explanation with pictures
Everything ends with Evil Bendy seeing his own Bendy Cartoon Ending, The End. Now what?
Allison's Angel gave us the Seeing Tool, we go through all the other chapters and we state something, that now is pretty obvious: The Unseen messages are written by Henry, and guess what? We are living in a Loop, something we actually figure out, why?
On this entrance, we see this:
Everyone knows that, when someone makes this, it's when they are trying something, and keep continuing, like prison fellas counting their days, right?
So, I believe this is a Loop. When Henry shows The End to evil Bendy, he returns to Joey's House, he invites him again to the Studio and he begins.
Henry is the one who re-starts the Ink Machine from functioning - Like in Chapter 1 - so why doesn't he goes to Joey's House and goes away?
I believe this Ink Machine is also the motif of that
When Henry steps into the Studio again, he remembers everything he did inside, if like the loop would just start when he enters the Studio. Also, since he is also a cartoon character, he starts to forget things as well. According to a letter, Joey stole the Ink Machine:
Who is the Creator? Joey
How everyone end up in the studio? - Explanation with pictures
Henry was invited to the Studio 30 years later since he went off:

There were 3 other people who were invited back to the Studio:
Allison Pendle, now Allison Connor and Thomas Connor:
This also explains why Allison's Angel and Thomas were together in Chapter4 and 5.
-Joey donated his book: The illusion of living;
-Sammy donated a music disk;
-Thomas Connor donated his wrench;
-Allison Pendle/Connor donated a Bendy Plushie;
-Henry donated the Ink;
-Wally Franks donated the gear.
I believe,
According to new evidence, Joey turned himself into a searcher:
In the end we hear Joey whistling and walks in a wheelchair:
Same whistle in here
A Wheelchair somewhere in the studio in the older versions of the chapters without remastering:
Probably there are a lot of other hints the game gives.
Sammy is a Lost One
(With a Bendy Mask)This character is given us for free by theMeatly, because in the end, Alice mentions him as Sammy as well.
Susie and Allison are Alice Angel:
At the end of chapter 4, we see 2 Alice Angel:
According to the Audio Logs, this Alice Angel is Susie
And this one is Allison Pendle/Connor
How we determine who is the real Alice Angel?
Susie mentions she was once a Searcher and only in the 2nd time, "it made me an Angel"
In chapter 5, with the Seeing Tool, we can actually see a Halo in Allison's head:
Susie was hired to become Alice Angel, she loved it a lot, was dreaming for an awesome and popular future, just like Bendy:

And BAMS, the role was snatched away by someone called Allison. Susie mentions: This gotta be a way to fix this. Joey used Susie to make the first living cartoon.
Susie will to become Alice was so powerful, that she became from a searcher to Alice Angel, but not a perfect one. Also, she mentioned she used other People's insides to make her perfect (So We assume she was not even like this before)
Boris is both Wally and Thomas
I also believe the 1st Boris appearance is Wally and the 2nd one is Thomas.
Wally was the Janitor, he wanders around all the Studio and he knows all the places in it, plus, he seems quite smart in his audio logs:
ALSO there is a small detail. In the end of Chapter 3, Boris was kidnapped by Susie's Alice Angel, and turned him into Brute Boris:
If someone makes the achievement during all chapter's gameplay, you get to see the same Boris as Brute Boris:
The 2nd Boris is also said by Allison's Angel in the game:
Tom is referring to Thomas.
All the other Borises/Butcher Gang were probably manipulated, from Searchers to Boris created by Susie's Angel, to turn her beautiful.
I believe Wally Franks was the real Boris, because Wally Franks had a strong connection with Sammy, for the worst, Boris is the one who enters into sketches of Sheep Song, when Sammy was the one leading the Sheeps into Sleep.
Susie's Angel said: He was the perfect Boris
What about Tom? I think Tom went into the same process of other Borises to turn Susie's Alice perfect, but since he is very well used to engeneering, and maybe got deformed in a way, he created himself a Hand prototype
Who is Henry?
My bet is that Henry can possibly be the true version of Bendy and not a searcher. Why?
-Humans don't fall from such high places without dying or without physical injuries;
-Humans bleed blood, not ink;
-Henry can walk and run through Ink, others can't (except Searchers);
-Humans can't be revived, but Henry can through the Ink Machine:
Since Cartoons can't make difference between other species anymore, we can't tell if Allison's Angel was referring to Henry as Human. Also, Allison could say Henry was a person, so she could at least identify Henry as "someone". If Henry was a searcher, Allison would identify him as one.
If Henry is the real Bendy, why others just say Henry is different?
![]() |
This Bendy is very Tall, has a deformed foot.
In the studio, no one ever calls this Bendy by Bendy, but by the Ink Demon.
So, are people even aware that, this is Bendy?
So, are people even aware that, this is Bendy?

Bendy is small, has everything's in place and is smiling, but of course, this is only the animation Henry created, in Cartoonish, would look more realistic like others and a bit different. Also, Henry is the creator of Bendy.
As told above, everyone calls the bad Bendy, the Ink Demon so I can presume that they don't even know who Bendy is, except Sammy, that calls The Ink Demon for Bendy.

Since we never see Henry's face and since Henry never realizes his looks, he goes through the Bendies and never states something like: That's me because he doesn't know too.
From Henry's point of view, he seems shorter than other characters (Also, others look at us like they are looking as if we were a child):
There is something peculiar about Sammy's behavior towards Henry. At first, they call Henry as if he was just a sheep ready to die like the rest, called Bendy as his Creator, and even gave offers to Bendy, in order to be freed, but in the end:
So, one thing I can tell is that Henry until the end of Chapter 2, had still a human form, since he also couldn't use the Ink Machine in Chapter 1 (At least he doesn't die).
At this time, Sammy was remembering Henry, from the "real" world. The reason he doesn't remember well, it's because Cartoons start to lose memories of their lives.
So the transformation took place during all Chapters. What I mean, is that Henry wasn't Bendy at the beginning, at least until Chapter 3. As we stated above, Henry now would look like just like Joey: Old.
There is a possibility of Sammy forgetting completely about how Henry was Henry, but it's pretty strange to me, he splicing something like this, he doesn't only think, he states like he is sure.
Susie's Alice also states "Errand Boy". If Henry looked like an old man, would she mention him like this? Or could make a joke like "old man" or any other:
The reason I believe he transformed, was because of the use of the Ink Machine and the constant step into the Ink. As Allison's Angel says:
So YES, I think Henry is the real Bendy.
When everything ends - Explanation with pictures
Everything ends with Evil Bendy seeing his own Bendy Cartoon Ending, The End. Now what?
Allison's Angel gave us the Seeing Tool, we go through all the other chapters and we state something, that now is pretty obvious: The Unseen messages are written by Henry, and guess what? We are living in a Loop, something we actually figure out, why?
On this entrance, we see this:
Everyone knows that, when someone makes this, it's when they are trying something, and keep continuing, like prison fellas counting their days, right?
So, I believe this is a Loop. When Henry shows The End to evil Bendy, he returns to Joey's House, he invites him again to the Studio and he begins.
Henry is the one who re-starts the Ink Machine from functioning - Like in Chapter 1 - so why doesn't he goes to Joey's House and goes away?
I believe this Ink Machine is also the motif of that
When Henry steps into the Studio again, he remembers everything he did inside, if like the loop would just start when he enters the Studio. Also, since he is also a cartoon character, he starts to forget things as well. According to a letter, Joey stole the Ink Machine:
Who is the Creator? Joey
How everyone end up in the studio? - Explanation with pictures
Henry was invited to the Studio 30 years later since he went off:

There were 3 other people who were invited back to the Studio:
Allison Pendle, now Allison Connor and Thomas Connor:
This also explains why Allison's Angel and Thomas were together in Chapter4 and 5.
Henry and Joey were always friends, they both created Joey Drew's Studio business and after 2 weeks of the Studio's opening, Henry started to have ideas of creating Bendy. When Henry started to create these animations, Henry knew Joey was against the way they were made, but then at some point, they made them public somehow and then loved by everyone. Joey probably stopped after a while to publish the animations and started to have other ideas. Decided to create 2 versions of the Ink Machine and turning them on, started to pump the ink all over the studio and then asked his employees to make donations in the Break Room:
-Joey donated his book: The illusion of living;
-Sammy donated a music disk;
-Thomas Connor donated his wrench;
-Allison Pendle/Connor donated a Bendy Plushie;
-Henry donated the Ink;
-Wally Franks donated the gear.
Probably Henry wasn't happy about Joey's decision of stopping to create more "silly" animations and Henry decided to quit the studio. Sent a lovely portrait to Joey, wishing him the best. Since Joey was the only animator in the studio, since Joey was always against of the way Henry created those animations and since Joey's niece wanted her uncle to tell her another story, Joey had other plans for the Studio, since Joey is a man of ideas, only ideas.
Joey then had the idea, again, to create something else big, and decided to create an Amusement Park, with the help of Bertrum and his assistant Lacie, and of course Thomas. Things weren't going well, because they created the first, Bendy, but it had no soul and was weird, if everyone would have seen such atrocity, they wouldn't have any possible profit. They decided then to create animatronics with Souls, but they weren't moving, they were soulless and then Joey promised them, souls. That's when Joey persuaded Susie and turned her into the 1st successful ink demon (aka Susie's Alice searcher).
Here on out, Joey figured the "magic" and started, the studio started to become a wreck: Ink all over the place, people started to get agitated and then, noises came by, pain voices, like people suffering on the pipes. Other people were starting to make a mess like they didn't have brains at all, and all of the studios, just became like thoughts, only the Ink survived down here.
In order to break the curse, Joey then invited 4 people into the studio, when Henry turned on the Ink machine again. After all 5 chapters and Henry destroys Bendy, a cycle is began.