Hello Neighbor (Complete Story from Games + Books)


I recently purchased the final book of the series, and that means I started to read the books.

As soon as I started to read the first volume, it felt like, those missing pieces that the games left and others that were messy, finally were answered.

I came to realize that, our character who we play on Hello Neighbor, he is not the Neighbor's son, but let me explain.

The story starts with a very happy family called the "Peterson". Peterson's family is a family of four: 

Theodore Masters Peterson                  Diane Peterson
         (The Neighbor)                          (Neighbor's Wife)

Aaron James Peterson              Mya Peterson
          (Neighbor's Son)            (Neighbor's Daughter)

Mr. Peterson was once a very talented and wise man who also created many Theme Parks in the world, but something was off with him. He believed that creating Theme Parks were even more enjoyable without being tested, so the feeling of fear and also joy would come to his inventions, unfortunately from it, came to despair. From Mr. Peterson's inventions, there were tragic accidents registered of people dying in 1987 in Australia and the last one occurred in 1992, was called The Golden Apple.

The Peterson's family was already living in a small and boring town called The Raven Brook, where the Golden Apple Amusement Park was built. There were three girls so happy with the Theme Park, that Mr. Peterson decided to create the Golden Apple Young Inventors Club, giving to them a Golden Apple Bracelet to each: Mya Peterson, Lucy Yi, and Maritza Esposito. Later in 1992 one of the girls in the Club, Lucy Yi, died in the Roller Coaster, leading the Theme Park to be burnt down to ashes. 

Some Years later, Roth family arrives in town. They will be living in a nice turquoise house in front of Mr. Peterson's.
Jay Roth                       Luanne Roth
(Nicky's father)              (Nicky's mother)

Nicky Roth
(Player in Hello Neighbor)

Since Nicky's parents are busy people, as soon as they arrive in town, they met Esposito Family.

Miguel Esposito
(Enzo's father)

  Enzo Esposito                                Maritza Esposito
(Nicky's friend)                                  (Enzo's sister)

And Nicky became fast friends of both Aaron Peterson and Enzo Esposito, although Enzo didn't like Aaron's family very much, due to what he once heard of what Mr. Peterson told to Maritza: "Did you see Lucy fly? She looked just like an angel" as if Mr. Peterson already intended for that to happen. Also, Nicky remembers once Aaron asking "What does make a person bad, then? Being Happy when bad things happen." also, Aaron often gives messages to Nicky saying that he is getting worse. Aaron feels fear of his dad, he also knows his father somehow doesn't like him very much and that Nicky somehow see that in two ways: Aaron sometimes invites Nicky over and there was once a sleepover, but instead of leading himself in the dark to the kitchen, he leads himself to Mr. Peterson's room, a room where every report of his, is in there. So many trophies for Theme Parks, but also reports of tragedies that somehow didn't blame Mr. Peterson, due to the Theme Park Company being responsible for not testing and checking each ride. Nicky also discovered pictures of Mr. Peterson working in the Theme Park and you could see Aaron in every single one, but somehow Mr. Peterson incircled his own son in red with "OMEN" word.
The other one and crucial one was the day before Diane Peterson's death. Nicky went once again to Golden Apple Amusement Park, where he found a VHS, of a video of Mya's recording his family being happy, dancing and singing, while Aaron was rummaging on something, something that Mr. Peterson didn't like and he ended up shouting at Aaron being angry, and all of his family suddenly became scared.

On that same afternoon, even before Nicky went at night to the Amusement Park, the Car Crash accident took place. The next morning when Nicky gets up, he knows Diane Peterson died last night in a Car Crash

Out of curiosity, Aaron and Mya were never seen after that. They weren't seen anywhere, and Mr. Peterson told everyone that, they were sent to their aunt, of course, Nicky didn't quite believe of that, he knew something was off, and he decided to track Mr. Peterson's everyday life. He noticed Mr. Peterson was going out quite a lot at night, to the amusement park, that was now closed. Nicky and Maritza followed him, and they discover he was taking things from the Theme Park to his house. Nicky thought it had something to do with Mr. Peterson's children, so he contacted their aunt, and she said: No, they were never here. 
Nicky tried to tell, even the police, of what is happening. The police took all of Nicky's search and went to Mr. Peterson to check out new things, but it happens he hid them somewhere, so the Police ended up saying Nicky was starting to lose it. Everyone started to doubt Nicky, even his parents, and they decided to make Nicky go to a psychiatrist, but he didn't like it, and then he also started to get mad, worried and also to sleepwalk. 

Nicky in the meanwhile, went several more times to the closed Theme Park and finds out other VHS, which were not playable. He fixed them and started to watch what was recorded, and Nicky finally understands one thing: Aaron killed his sister! Aaron took one of her dolls to a platform, high in the house, and when Mya went there to get it, Aaron got angry and pushed her out. After what Nicky witnessed,  he managed to think of the worst plan ever: Going to Peterson's house. 

Nicky goes to the Peterson's house, find's the red key, the other items to go to the basement, and manages to unlock the door. When he was checking and analyzing the area, Mr. Peterson pushes him in and locks the door. Scared, Nicky explores the area and finds Aaron locked in the basement and as soon as they see each other, and after Nicky's questions, Aaron says: Do you remember when I said, "What does make a person bad, then? Being Happy when bad things happen." that wasn't meant for my dad, it was meant for me. Then, Nicky confirms from Aaron of Mya's death, and Mr. Peterson's was doing what he was doing, due to Aaron. Mr. Peterson was hiding of what Aaron did to his sister, he buried Mya in the courtyard and imprisoned Aaron in the basement, after that, he started to hand over "Missing" posters in the entire city.

So, the mad man wasn't Mr. Peterson at first.

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