Amanda the Adventurer Walkthrough

Hello everyone!!

The day has come to play this awesome game, and I bring you the full walkthrough!

     1. In the kitchen VHS:
1st answer: Anything you want
2nd answer: Knife
  • Apple Pie Solution:
-425º for 40 minutes*
It will reward you with "In your neighborhood" VHS

*Pick up the apple, insert it on the plate, then put the plate inside the stove and close the door.

    2. In your neighborhood VHS:
1st answer: Kate
  • Music Solution:
It will reward you with "Oh no! Accidents!" VHS

    3. Oh no! Accidents! VHS:
1st answer: Knee
2nd answer: Doctor
  • Time solution:
-The clock on the table: 3:45
-The clock on the wall: 6:20
-The digital clock: 10:50pm
-The pendulum clock: 5:15*
It will reward you with "Everything Rots" VHS

*The pendulum hand is on the board

    4. Everything Rots VHS:

1st answer: Anything you want
2nd answer: Dead
3rd answer: Anything you want / you can also answer no
1st ending: A Gruesome End


    5. In the Attic:
-Go to the safe and insert: 826.
-Place the PAPER on the board, and the PAUSE button on the VHS player
-Watch again "In the Kitchen" VHS

-When it shows this part of the video, PAUSE it
-Head over to the oven, set any temperature
-Go back to the videotape, and see the oven burn, mhuauaaua!

  • Meat Pie Solution:
-Pick up the cheese and put it into the mousetrap, then grab the mouse and put it on the plate.
-Pick up the moon vase, put it on the poodle, and grab it and put it on the plate.
-Pick up the mushroom and put it on the plate.
-Set the oven to 525º for 50 minutes*
It will reward you with "In your neighborhood" VHS

*Pick up the plate, then put the plate inside the stove and close the door.

    6. In your neighborhood VHS:

1st answer: Wolly
  • Coloring Solution:
-24/7 -> Candy Shop -> Meat Shop
-Go to the trunk and insert - GUTS
It will reward you with "What's a Family" VHS

    7. What's a Family VHS:

-PAUSE the video when you see "Severe THUNDERSTORM Warning", then go to the center and use the forecast clock.
1st answer 1st time: Write random word
-PAUSE the video when you see "Tornado Warning", then go to the center and use the forecast clock.
1st answer 2nd time: Rooster
-Choose the Cobra and the spider first. 
-PAUSE the video when you see "Flooding Warning", then go to the center and use the forecast clock.
2nd answer: Alone
3rd answer: Yes
It will reward you with "Everything Rots" VHS

If you want to get another ending, re-watch the tape, you can skip all, but your answers would be:

1st answer: 
2nd answer: No
2nd ending: Bad Ending

    7. Everything Rots VHS:

1st answer: Dead
2nd answer: Yes
3rd ending: A Fateful End


    8. In the Attic:
-Go to the trunk and insert GUTS
-Use the scissors on the doll
-Pick up the batteries and insert them into the Android robot
-Watch again "In the Kitchen" VHS
-Do again the Apple Pie Puzzle to get the "In your neighborhood" VHS
-When you reach the convenience store, PAUSE the video, then insert the code in the robot 150325
-Finish watching the tape
-Insert the code in the robot 081821
-Go to the oven and insert 325º for 30 minutes
-Insert the code in the robot 835161 
-Go to the piano, but this time CCDCFE
-Put the candles on the cake
It will reward you with "Oh no! Accidents!" VHS

    9. Oh no! Accidents! VHS:

Answers: Anything you want
It will reward you with "Riley's Fun Movies" VHS
Then the "Summer 1984" VHS
-Go to the Wardrobe and insert 2862
It will reward you with "Home Movies" VHS
-Insert the code in the robot 401258
-Go get the bucket inside the wardrobe, use it on the poodle, then use the bucket with water on the robot
-Use the key on the trunk
It will reward you with "We Can Share" VHS
Answer: Yes
4th ending: Good Ending


    10. The Attic:
-Go to the Wardrobe and insert 2862
-Go get the bucket inside the wardrobe, use it on the poodle, then use the bucket with water on the robot
-Use the key on the trunk
It will reward you with "We Can Share" VHS

    11: We Can Share VHS:

1st Answer: No
5th ending: Hallow Ending


    12. The Attic:

1st Tape:
-Watch "In the Kitchen" VHS
-Go get the peach behind the oven (Where it used to be when it is not in the center of the room), then put it on the plate - 425º for 40 minutes.

2nd Tape:
-Go to the trunk and insert GUTS
1st Answer: SAM

3rd Tape:
-You need to make the Music Puzzle to receive the "Oh no! Accidents!" VHS
2nd answer: nobody

4th Tape:
-Watch "In the Kitchen" VHS and burn the oven (You need to make the Meat Pie again, NOT the Apple Pie)
-When in the convenience store, PAUSE the video.
-Play on the piano FACADE

5th Tape:
-Go get the pot (it's on the floor, not among the others)
-Go to the poodle, and give the yellow flower to the doll.

After watching all 5 tapes, watch 'Oh no! Accidents! VHS, by grabbing it using the key inside the robot
6th ending: The End?

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